Monday, September 05, 2016

EXILE's vocalist ATSUSHI announces plan to go for overseas studies until 2018

EXILE's vocalist ATSUSHI announced on 31 August that he will be heading to the US for studies and be based there until 2018. In his statement, ATSUSHI revealed that as EXILE headed into its 15th anniversary, he was wondering what he could do in order to evolve into a better artiste so he had been thinking about this for the past few years and discussed his plan with the staff, HIRO and his fellow EXILE members. In view of the fact that EXILE's music is primarily based on R & B from the US, he hopes to study English and music in order to make his music more acceptable to the Japanese market and work with excellent musicians from around the world during his stay there. He also stressed that his stay overseas will be for a limited time only so he promised that he will return as an improved EXILE performer. ATSUSHI called for the support and understanding of his selfish decision and asked for the time off until 2018 so that he can pursue his dream. However, it was not mentioned when exactly he would move overseas.

Sources: Sponichi Annex / Nikkansports

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