The drama written by Kaneshiro Kazuki features Oguri in the leading role of Inami Akira who belongs to the secret team within the police force named Kouan Kido Sousatai Tokusouhan (special investigation unit of the public security department's riot squad). The team is tasked to handle the "dirty jobs" of the country and government and consists of police officers who have unspeakable pasts and secrets which they have to struggle with while handling the critical issues facing the country on a daily basis such as terrorism, new religious groups, military spies and drug peddling organisations. Nishijima plays his colleague Tamaru Saburo who also belongs to the same team. Inami is always resorting to unthinkable measures to overcome the criminals while Tamaru is the exact opposite and the epitome of calmness. In order to prepare for the action scenes in the drama, the two actors started to learn silat since a year ago.
Tanaka will play the role of Yoshinaga Mitsunari who is the chief of the team and a former police detective at Metropolitan Police Department's 1st section. He commented that the characters in Kaneshiro's works are usually not clear-cut good guys or villains which he felt was the biggest charm in his stories. In addition, as he hardly does any action scenes, he is eagerly anticipating doing some of his own even though they may not be as many or intense as what Oguri and Nishijima have to do.
As for Nomaguchi who is acting in his third Kaneshiro work, he plays the role of Kashii Yuusuke who has a strong sense of smell and is able to identify something just by its smell. Nomaguchi revealed that he heard about this drama when Kaneshiro was conceptualising it and said that the latter has the power of making people question the authenticity of things which have always been believed to be true. As such, it will be worth checking out the drama to challenge longstanding notions and experience the danger and thrill during the process.
Araki will play Oyama Rei who used to be a hacker and is a cyber information analyst now. Although she seems to be cool on the surface, that is to cover her internal emotional scars. Araki commented that she considers this to be a character which will break away from her usual style and she hopes to show a new side to herself through this drama.
Sources: Oricon / / Modelpress
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