Sunday, November 23, 2014

Arimura Kasumi to star in the new movie "Biri Girl"

Arimura Kasumi will be starring in the new movie "Biri Girl" (Last-placed Girl) which will be shown in cinemas next year. The movie which is based on a book that had sold more than 550,000 copies to date, talks about the true story of a delinquent girl named Sayaka who was last in the entire level but managed to turn her results around after meeting a cram school teacher and qualify for the prestigious Keio University in just one year. The book was written by the cram school director Tsubota Nobutaka who had personally tutored Sayaka.

Arimura will be playing the role of Sayaka which means that she has to dye her hair, put on heavy makeup and wear earrings on her belly button. Sayaka was such a troublemaker at school and suspended so many times that her mother forced her to go to Tsubota's cram school in the summer of her second year in high school. Despite being very bad at her studies to the extent that she was judged as to be at Primary 4 only, Sayaka managed to turn the situation around and qualify for entry into Keio.

Filming will begin in January next year. Arimura had already met the real Sayaka last month and will learn how to speak in the Nagoya dialect and girls' slang from her when they meet again before the start of the filming.

Source: Sponichi

1 comment:

K' said...


I was wondering if there was an email I could contact you with?