Saturday, June 08, 2024

Quick Review #40: "Kaibutsu no kikori"

Title: Kaibutsu no kikori / 怪物の木こり

Rating: 3 /10 

Recommended for
Those who like Miike Takashi's works and are fans of the cast

- The very last part of the movie where the viewers were posed this question: is evil by nature or can be induced/nurtured? and how the key baddies struggled with the realisation and weight of their actions.

- Personally, I feel that the best part of the movie was unfortunately the part that didn't get its deserved attention and airtime. It would have been best if Kamenashi Kazuya's character had enough time to show the emotional struggle of realising the weight of his psychopathic behaviour. Too little, too late because the ending was just too sloppy and expected. It was so disappointing because the movie could have turned the tables with a much better conclusion.

- I've always had an issue with Director Miike's works - too much unnecessary gore but doesn't really serve much of a purpose in enhancing the story. Sad to say, this movie is yet another example of this issue.

- Honestly speaking, the ladies in this movie really didn't get a chance to shine. Yoshioka Riho's role was just too boring and annoying to watch while Nanao's portrayal of a criminal profiler was so awkward and not what she could be capable of delivering based on some of her past works which I had watched. In contrast, the guys did much better especially Sometani Shota, Nakamura Shido and Shibukawa Kiyohiko even though they were supporting characters. Wonder if it's a common issue which I tend to observe in the Miike's films I've watched so far - somehow more "masculine" in terms of vibe and hardly gives any spotlight to the female characters?

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