Scriptwriter Kuramoto Sou: 2 years ago, the garden was created and the script was finished last year. It was only until this year that I was able to complete this drama with a brilliant cast lineup and staff team. I believe that this drama is a mature production and I count upon your support.
Nakai Kiichi: I have been working with Director Miyamoto for a long time and she was known as a woman of steel who never shows her tears. We, the cast and staff almost brought her to tears with this production which we had shown close teamwork. It was a very intensive 5 months. Recent drama production press conferences usually feature young actors but this drama is rare to have such a high percentage of middle-aged and elderly actors in the lineup. As such, this is a drama which will be enjoyed by adults and would also attract children. Please enjoy this with your family!
Kuroki Meisa: We conducted our filming in Furano for a long time. If this drama was shot in Tokyo, I believe we wouldn't have spent so much time together. Everyone would stick together even after filming had finished for the day. I feel very comfortable and relieved on the set. Although I do not know how to use words to express my feelings, I think that this has been the best crew so far I have worked with and I feel very blessed to take part. The feeling of happiness will definitely be relayed to the viewers thus please enjoy this drama!
Kamiki Ryuunosuke: This is a very difficult role and I went through many discussions with the director and Kuramoto-sensei before deciding how to potray this role. In addition, I have to memorise many names of flowers and their meanings even though I have never heard or seen them before. With the constant changes in temperature and weather, there would be adjustments to the lines constantly. However, thanks to everyone, I have put in my best effort to play Shiratori Gaku. I have learned many things and enjoyed my time in Furano while being surrounded by flowers. Please watch this drama!
Ogata Ken: Yesterday, I finished filming the last scene with Nakai-san. His acting was compelling and I think this drama will be his signature work. I am very happy to have two brilliant grandchildren (Kuroki Meisa and Kamiki Ryuunosuke) acting with me. This is an excellent piece of work and I hope that you will enjoy it. With regards to the title's characters which were written by me, I didn't want to write that when Kuramoto-san asked me to do it. However, after writing this, it doesn't look that bad after all. (laughs)
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