Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Shirota Yu, Koike Teppei and Yasuda Shota (Kanjani 8) all down with Influenza Type A

Shirota Yu, Koike Teppei and Yasuda Shota from Kanjani 8 are all down with Influenza A.

Shirota complained about feeling unwell on 4 Oct and went to the hospital for a checkup when he was diagnosed with Influenza Type A. His temperature went up to 37.4 degrees at one time but is now back to normal. As he has to stay at home for a few days before he recovers fully, filming for his drama "Samurai High School" will be delayed till he returns to work. He had also cancelled his appearance on his radio show at Nippon Broadcasting on 5 Oct.

Meanwhile, Koike Teppei was also diagnosed with the disease on 5 Oct and will not continue his filming for the TBS autumn drama "Ohitori-sama" until he recovers. As for Yasuda, he is currently recuperating at home and will skip the production press conference on 6 Oct for his drama on NHK, "ROMES" which is due to be shown from 15 Oct.

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