Friday, January 31, 2025

Preview of "Oboenonai satsujin" (Drama SP)

Title: Oboenonai satsujin / 憶えのない殺人
Official website: here
Official X: here
O.A. Date: 25 January 2025 at 9pm (BSP4K) and 22 February 2025 at 9pm (NHKBS)
Broadcast by: NHK
Cast: Kobayashi Kaoru, Ono Machiko, Hashimoto Jun, Matsuzawa Takumi, Sayashi Riho, Nishimura Izumi, Nakagoshi Noriko, Hotaru Yukijiro & Tsutsui Mariko etc.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

The right way for TV stations to conduct internal investigations - Observations from the Nakai Masahiro & FujiTV scandal

As the Nakai Masahiro & FujiTV scandal continues to hog the media and public's attention, much has also been reported on FujiTV and its fellow TV stations' movements to conduct internal investigations about whether they have similar issues yet to be uncovered. Besides being wary of the likelihood that they may also have skeletons in their closet which could explode in their faces, a key factor leading TV stations to leap to action so swiftly is the likelihood of having the FujiTV's fire of sponsor exodus spread to their own backyards. 

However, as this President Online article written by Shizume Hiromichi, a TV producer and writer who used to be from TV Asahi pointed out, the manner of how the internal investigation is conducted is the issue, not whether there is an investigation to begin with. Here are some key points he made in his article:

- While the public's response and attention on Nakai's retirement was trending on social media, this outcome was probably expected by TV station executives as something which would come sooner or later given the scale of the scandal and its impact on FujiTV. 

- To date, most scandals of a similar nature would either end with the celebrity in question "disappearing quietly from the public eye" or the related programme to meet its end abruptly. However, this certainly would have been wishing thinking in this case. 

- To avoid being implicated in FujiTV's fire, it was noted that the rival TV stations were very quick to respond with their own measures.
  • First off the mark was TBS which announced on 20 Jan that it was beginning an internal investigation involving all employees at the advice of the lawyers in its compliance department.
  • NTV followed suit on the next day and said that it would engage external specialists to conduct hearing sessions with its staff.
  • TV Asahi was even quicker in the sense that it announced on 22 Jan that it had already conducted its first investigation since the beginning of the new year and did not find any inappropriate behaviour.
- In order to make it in time for the upcoming programming renewal period in April, TV stations needed to prove their "innocence" or else they may be seen as being similarly problematic like FujiTV. However, this also meant that they were seemingly doing this for the sake of their bottomlines and not to protect the human rights of their employees or clear themselves of suspicion and doubt from the sponsors and viewers.

- In contrast, NHK's "cold response" was noted as being due to its structure since it doesn't depend on advertisement income and sponsors. Its chairman commented on 22 Jan that NHK already has a harassment reporting system which has been working effectively and there were no internal reports of this nature to date. As such, there was no need for NHK to conduct any special investigation in response to the FujiTV scandal.

- However, just because a TV station is doing an investigation may not mean that it is done properly. The writer notes that he had gotten information from a female employee of TV Asahi (his former employer) which makes him doubt the effectiveness of such a flawed investigation.
  • The investigation was not done 1-to-1 but rather in a place where everyone in the department was present and the manager asked them questions. Even if there was an issue to be reported, the environment simply did not offer any much-needed privacy especially if the incident was sensitive in nature.
  • TV Asahi was seemingly in a huge hurry to conduct an investigation and applied immense pressure on the managers in various departments since the beginning of the year. As such, it was said that this contributed to some instances when male managers had asked female employees in the presence of other colleagues as to whether they had suffered any sexual assault or harassment before.
  • TV Asahi's news programme "Houdou Station" reported the investigation findings on 22 Jan as "there were no reports of inappropriate behaviour". However, given the manner of how the investigation was conducted, the findings might not be fully reflective of or accurately reflect the true situation in the company.
  • However, given that the investigation in question was said to be the "first investigation", it would be ideal if a proper investigation with consideration for privacy would be conducted in time to come. Otherwise, a slipshod investigation would not serve its intended purpose and fail to address concerns from viewers and sponsors.
- Details of the TV stations' investigations haven't been announced so it is a mystery as to what they are focusing on in their respective investigations.

- If the investigation is to be conducted by direct managers rather than a designated investigation team not part of the reporting hierarchy of the employees concerned, it may make it more difficult for those affected to raise their issues. This is especially if the managers are clearly inclined to fish for a "desired answer of no" from the respondents rather than be faced with the trouble that can come with bringing up potential violations and problems.

- Moreover, the gender mix in the TV stations are still very much male-dominated so there are many more male managers compared to females. It would be difficult for female employees to talk about such issues with their male bosses. In the example of TBS, it stated that its compliance department would be leading the investigation but given the amount of employees involved, it is questionable if the actual hearing sessions will be conducted by that department or the managers in various departments.

- One other important factor to consider is how big the investigation scope is going to be. Would it be sufficient to ask the employees only or should the investigation be extended to external production companies which are heavily involved in the making of TV shows? This is critical as many shows operate on the basis of TV station employees managing the production staff (both internal and external) but it is the external production houses doing the actual day-to-day tasks. As such, if the external production staff are to be excluded from the investigation, it might mean that the TV stations won't get a full and accurate picture of the situation.
On the other hand, since the external staff get work from the TV stations, this dependence would make them reluctant to raise the alarm and speak ill of their employers. Besides, the in-house producers might be unwilling to report any issues since they would be held responsible for everything that happens in their shows.
As such, this calls for the question of whether TV stations would be willing to go down this path of seeking out real answers and how to do so at the expense of its own interests.

- Last but not least, whether the employees trust their own companies is a key factor as to whether the investigation would be meaningful and successful. Given the state of things now and how the FujiTV scandal is developing, it is questionable as to whether employees would be willing to speak their minds. Especially if employees do not believe that their employers would protect them, they are not going to take the risk of telling the truth since this may also expose them to retaliation and workplace harassment. It is already well-known in the industry that anyone who is disliked by the management would get transferred to other shows but such movements are often masked as "normal job rotation" so there is no recourse for anyone who is a victim of such actions.

- As such, in view of these concerns, the writer of the article thinks that setting up the right environment where employees feel safe about telling the truth is the most important thing to be done before an investigation is conducted. And doing it in the most appropriate manner will then lead to a true reflection of the situation. Rushing to conclude an investigation may be meaningless especially if the findings are challenged and found to be lacking later on.

Preview of "Shoujiki Fudousan Minerva SPECIAL" (Drama SP)

Title: Shoujiki Fudousan Minerva SPECIAL / 正直不動産ミネルヴァSPECIAL
Official website: here
O.A. Date: 1 February 2025 at 7.30pm (BSP4K) / 5 February 2025 at 8.30pm (NHK BS)
Original manga by: Ohtani Akira, Natsuhara Takeshi & Mizuno Mitsuhiro
Theme Song: "so far so good" by Oda Kazumasa
Cast: Dean Fujioka, Kurashina Kana, Mikami Ai, Ito Asahi, Nishigaki Sho, Zaitsu Yuutaro, Fujii Mina, Izumi Rika, Takeda Tetsuya, Matsuzaka Keiko, Ichihara Hayato, Matsumoto Wakana, Takahata Atsuko, Tanaka Min & Takahashi Katsunori etc.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Preview of "Rira no hanasaku kemonotachi" - Winter 2025

Title: Rira no hanasaku kemonotachi / リラの花咲くけものたち
Official website: here
O.A. Start Date: 1 February 2025
Timeslot: Saturdays at 10pm
Broadcast by: NHK
Total number of episodes: 3
Original novel by: Fujioka Youko
Theme Song: "Tsukushi" by Nishina
Cast: Yamada Anna, Touma Ami, Hagiwara Riku, Sato Kanta, Yamasaki Shizuyo, Komoto Masahiro, Ishibashi Shizuka & Fubuki Jun 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Updates and new information from the Nakai Masahiro & FujiTV incident - 28 Jan 2025

- In a major twist, the electronic version of "Shuukan Bunshun" made a correction on 28 Jan to its first report on the Nakai & FujiTV incident that was published in its 26 Dec 2024 issue. It changed the part which said that "X-san was invited to the meal gathering in Jun 2023 by FujiTV's programming department executive A-san" to "X-san was invited by Nakai" and that "A-san had thought that the meeting between them was an "extension" of another gathering he had set up before". Bunshun indicated that the correction was due to findings from a further investigation concluded on a later date and apologised for the initial error.

- Sponichi reported that there was another meal gathering - a barbecue party which happened about a month before the incident in Jun 2023 and was also attended by X-san at the request of A-san. According to the article, the gathering was held on 7 May 2023 and attended by Nakai, female announcers from FujiTV and other TV stations, freelance announcers, young staff members and executives of TV stations as well as a popular male celebrity. A-san was said to be the one who invited the female participants to join this gathering.
The female participants were arranged to head into the room one by one at the orders of the programming department's executive and introduced to Nakai and the male celebrity. One of the female announcers was said to be told to sit beside Nakai. During the gathering, the male celebrity had made sexually explicit jokes and inappropriate touches to the women present. One of the female announcers was wary of the potential danger of staying longer at that gathering and gave the excuse that she had work on the following day before managing to leave alone around 9pm. 

- Prior to the 27 Jan press conference, there were 6 critical issues and questions to be addressed as identified by the media:
  • What would happen to the top management including the president Minato Koichi
  • What would happen to advisor Hieda Hisashi
  • Whether the FujiTV executive A-san was involved in setting things up between Nakai and the victim X-san
  • Whether there was an attempt to cover up Nakai's scandal
  • Whether there is a practice of "offering" female announcers for inappropriate purposes during the entertaining of VIPs and celebrities
  • Whether there are any specific or concrete measures to regain the trust of sponsors and viewers
- During the staff briefing, while the atmosphere was largely critical of the top management's handling of the crisis and very emotionally charged due to the angry employees, there was an episode which happened that briefly changed the course of the proceedings.
An employee from the legal department warned the audience to be mindful of what they said since they were not familiar with corporate laws and could be sued for leaking information to unauthorised parties. While the top management remained silent at this comment, the mood of the briefing changed as employees felt threatened even though they were supposed to be able to speak freely during the briefing. This then led to more subdued comments that subsequent employees raised.

- Nakai and FujiTV's poor handling of their crisis was compared to how Amuse and Yoshizawa Ryo did it when it was reported earlier this month that Yoshizawa had trespassed into his neighbour's apartment while drunk. While Yoshizawa's action may not be as serious as Nakai's, it was noted in several media reports that his agency was swift and professional in addressing the issue, explained the facts clearly, had already taken remedial action to apologise to the victim and reach a settlement and that he already moved out to avoid causing more inconvenience and trouble to the neighbour concerned and other residents. As such, the fallout from Yoshizawa's incident was largely contained with one sponsor Iris Ohyama even keeping him as its brand ambassador.

- Hieda has been nicknamed the emperor of FujiTV while Fuji Sankei Group has been known as the Hieda Empire. He became the programming director in 1980 at the young age of 42 years old and was credited with building the golden era of FujiTV through various achievements together with the founder's eldest son. In 1992, he supposedly led a coup against the founding family and managed to remove the then-chairman who was the son-in-law of Fuji Sankei Group's founder. Gradually, he became influential enough to have a say in personnel matters within the entire group. Even after he left the post of FujiTV's chairman in 2017 and became its advisor, it is said that his influence has not waned at all as insiders claim that management positions need his endorsement.

- Even with the exodus of sponsors for now, FujiTV looks like it won't go under anytime soon.
Shueisha Online mentioned in its article that FujiTV's broadcasting revenue in the second half of the previous fiscal year was about JPY 77 billion. Even if sales of around JPY 50 billion were gone in the second half of this fiscal year, it would only account for about 8.4% of the projected full-year sales of JPY 598.3 billion for this fiscal year.
Besides, Fuji Media Holdings has close to JPY 90 billion in cash and more than JPY 400 billion in share holdings of companies such as Kikoman and Tokyo Electric Power Company. Assuming if advertisement revenue does dry up, it can still sell its shares to get money for its operations.
Moreover, the group is known for having a lucrative real estate business with valuable assets such as the Tokyo Sankei Building (JPY 97 billion), Wangan Studios (JPY 34.3 billion) and FujiTV's HQ building (JPY 10.1 billion). It also has various hospitality facilities like hotels and resorts which are currently buoyed by Japan's tourism boom. As such, the real estate business brings in about double of what the TV business earns.

- While there have been calls to withdraw FujiTV's broadcasting license due to this scandal, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications is not expected to go down this path unless the TV station has indeed committed a crime. Nonetheless, the government is already paying attention to how things are developing which could then lead to further actions taken against FujiTV or the broadcasting industry as a whole.
During the Diet meeting on 27 Jan, Kamei Akiko from the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan brought up the issue and asked about the government's stand and approach about this in terms of human rights for women and corporate governance. In response, Prime Minister Ishiba Shigeru shared that the government is intending to take action such as asking for the submission of information about the issue under the Broadcasting Act and then review how to take rectification measures for the entire broadcasting industry through the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications which had already instructed FujiTV on 23 Jan to begin the set-up of its third party investigation committee. As for the issues pertaining to human rights, the Japan Commercial Broadcasting Federation is considering setting up a committee to investigate if there are similar issues across the industry.

- The worst case scenario for FujiTV would be it not being able to regain the viewers' trust for a long period of time, poor ratings and becoming unprofitable thus leading to its staff leaving for other TV stations and the decreasing quality of its programmes.
FujiTV's average household rating in 2023 was 4.4% which was lower than NTV's 6.1% and TV Asahi's 6.3%. Broadcasting revenue was also lower than its competitors at JPY 147.3 billion vs. NTV's JPY 226.1 billion and TV Asahi's JPY 166.8 billion. Even though it used to be the top in terms of ratings until 2009, the 2011 and 2012 anti-Korean entertainment demonstrations in protest of FujiTV's overly heavy weightage of such content in its programming marked a turning point in its ratings trend and led to lower profitability. In response to the TV station's poor performance, there was a motion filed during the 2014 general shareholders' meeting for directors to retire once they turned 75 years old and that was seen as a bid to oust Hieda who was already 76 at that time. However, that motion was rejected in the end and this led to FujiTV's management structure of being dominated by older managers for a long time.

Key points from FujiTV's second press conference on 27 Jan 2025
  • Duration - 4pm on 27 Jan 2025 to 2.24am on 28 Jan 2025 = 10 hours and 24 minutes. There was a 10-minute break from 9.55pm onwards.
  • Registration for media representatives began at 2pm and there were strict security checks of bags and belongings including a metal detector. Hundreds of bottles of water were prepared for the journalists present probably due to the expectation that this event would take quite a long time. Since the press conference was held at level 22 of the building, employees were stationed at the lifts to prevent anyone from heading to other floors without permission. 
  • 437 people from 191 media outlets attended the press conference. All of them were allowed to ask at least one question / maximum 2 so this was one reason why the press conference took so long. However, some of the journalists did ask more questions or took a very long time when it was their turn thus adding on to the delay. By the time the press conference reached the 6th hour mark, the number of empty seats at the back of the hall became more noticeable so an estimated 70% to 80% of the original audience was still around by then.
  • Live streaming was done via FNN Prime Online and TVer with a delay of 10 mins from the Q & A section. This was to accommodate post-editing of audio to protect the privacy of related parties. However, there was a YouTuber who refused to abide by the rule of no live streaming and continued to do so via TikTok despite being stopped by staff members. In the end, he was escorted out of the venue.
  • Prior to the Q & A session, the MC had asked the media representatives not to raise questions that mentioned names, job positions, departments of affiliation etc. which could lead to the identification of specific individuals. The audience was also asked to refrain from making comments of a defamatory nature which could lead to infringement of human rights. Despite so, there were multiple occasions when the MC had to step in and ask reporters from going against these "house rules".
  • Due to the event going on for much longer than expected, the evening programming schedule of FujiTV was all affected with broadcasts of dramas such as "119 Emergency Call" and "Himitsu ~ THE TOP SECRET ~" being postponed to next week instead.
  • According to Video Research, the household average rating for the press conference between 7pm and 9pm was 13.1% and the individual average rating was 7.5% (Kanto region) thus reflecting the public's interest in the ongoing issue.
  • Attended by outgoing FujiTV president Minato Koichi, outgoing FujiTV chairman Kanou Shuuji, vice-chairman Endo Ryuunosuke and president of Fuji Media Holdings president Kanemitsu Osamu. New president Shimizu Kenji joined slightly later after his posting was announced.
  • Shimizu revealed that all negotiations for new CM contracts from April onwards have been suspended for now.
  • Minato admitted that he was the one who made the final decision on how FujiTV's first press conference was handled and that he accepted the criticism that the TV station had been less than forthcoming and transparent about explaining this issue.
  • Minato, Kanou and Endo were reported by some media outlets as having expressed their intention to resign to Hieda on 23 Jan before the employee briefing but were supposedly told that they "shouldn't be defeated because of something like this". In the end though, Minato and Kanou announced their resignations minutes prior to the second press conference.
  • Other TV stations reported the news of the top management's resignations in different ways. FujiTV, TBS and NTV all mentioned this during the start of their respective programmes while TV Asahi brought forward their show to 3.50pm and started their coverage with footage of President Minato leaving his house to head to FujiTV. NHK was covering the Diet meeting at the time of the press conference while TV Tokyo, true to its usual style of not letting anything interrupt its programming, showed the news through a telop at 3.49pm.
  • Minato was informed of the incident in Aug 2023. Only a few people including executives and directors knew about this.
  • The management were in contact with X-san via phone and text messages since her health condition did not allow them to meet her directly. 
  • As the incident was of a sensitive nature and only Nakai and X-san knew what had happened, it was difficult for FujiTV to step in and get involved in the resolution process. It was even more challenging to do so after both parties reached a settlement.
  • Since "Matsumoto Nakai" only started in Apr 2023, choosing to end it as soon as it started would have caused speculation over the reason. The management did acknowledge that when Matsumoto Hitoshi left the show for his own issue, it would have been a suitable timing to end the programme. Despite so, the show's title was changed and Nakai continued to appear in this as well as other once-off programmes that were produced over the last 1.5 years. This was because information about his incident with X-san was not public knowledge. As such, the investigation would try to ascertain if this decision of continuing to engage Nakai and their treatment of him during this period were appropriate.
  • When asked about some media reports revealing that X-san showed disgust towards A-san during a meeting between X-san and FujiTV in Jul 2024 to talk about this incident, the management said that there was nothing to indicate that A-san had been involved in the "relationship" between X-san and Nakai so they didn't see the need to ask A-san about what happened in the first place. A-san's supposed role in the incident only came to light through media reports late last year. However, after speaking to A-san and checking communications records such as LINE messages, there was no proof suggesting A-san had done anything to organise the gathering in question.
  • FujiTV then embarked on an investigation to find out the facts after seeking advice from its lawyers and employees in its compliance department. A-san said that he did not know that there was a meal gathering that day, nor was he involved in setting things up or canceling his supposed attendance at that event. Nakai himself also stated that A-san was not involved at all thus the company indicated so in its 27 Dec 2024 statement.
  • One of the most controversial moments was when vice-chairman Endo had mentioned that there was "a difference in how Nakai and X-san had interpreted the incident which happened". It was revealed that Nakai told FujiTV management about what happened in Jul after the incident happened in Jun. Following that, they spoke to Nakai on several occasions about this. When asked by the media what he meant by "difference in interpretation", Endo said that Nakai thought that he "had the approval of X-san when the sexual act was committed" but this was apparently not what she had in mind. However, soon after Endo made this comment, the PR department issued a written statement saying that he/FujiTV had withdrawn this comment and replaced it as "unable to answer" with regard to this question. This led to some journalists shouting that FujiTV "should get their act together and stop this nonsense". Moreover, FujiTV kept saying that they couldn't reveal specifics about the incident due to the ongoing investigation or to protect the privacy of related parties yet they had talked freely about whether there was "agreement" involved in what happened.
  • While FujiTV had cited various reasons to date about why they did not end "Dare ka to Nakai" over the past 1.5 years since the incident happened, a journalist asked if the decision was ultimately for the sake of ratings. It was pointed out that to replace Matsumoto Hitoshi who had suspended his career to his own scandal, FujiTV had gotten Ninomiya Kazunari to be Nakai's co-host since 4 Feb 2024, albeit for a short period of time and this was seemingly a move to tap on Ninomiya's popularity. However, the top management denied this accusation even though they were confronted with the comment that it was not logical to hire a new host for a programme which was about to be ended. Even so, they insisted that X-san's condition was their top priority for making the decision of whether to or when to end the show. It was also revealed that A-san had become the director of the programming department on 27 Jun 2023 which was after the Nakai incident happened and he became the programming strategy centre's director on 1 Jul 24. As such, A-san was in the position to make the decision of whether to end the show.
  • When asked if FujiTV will still hold events such as the Tokyo Odaiba Triennale scheduled to be held in autumn this year, Endo revealed that there have been some parties who expressed reservations about working with FujiTV so he believed that the event may not go ahead as planned.
  • With regard to some media reports about a FujiTV employee setting up another meal gathering for Nakai with female announcers from other TV stations about 6 months before the incident with X-san, Minato said that they had no knowledge of this and that they needed to look into this further.

Quick Review #94: Wakatteitemo the shapes of love - Autumn 2024

Title: Wakatteitemo the shapes of love / わかっていても the shapes of love

Rating: 6 / 10

Recommended for
Those who want to watch a relatively short drama featuring different types of love in seemingly impossible situations and/or are fans of Yokohama Ryuusei and Minami Sara

* Currently showing on Netflix (availability subject to geographical location)
* Disclaimer: I have neither read the original Korean webtoon nor watched the Korean version of the drama series.

- First of all, the visuals and cinematography were very nice to look at especially the scenic scenes in Kamakura and the surrounding Shonan area. Given that the main setting of the story was in an arts university, it also meant that quite a number of art works were featured. While the story's theme may be serious and somewhat heavy at times, the overall vibe was visually pleasing and relaxing with a dash of gentleness to balance things out.

- Although I have not watched the original Korean drama version, I did see enough spoiler snippets on social media which tended to focus on the lead couple's intimate scenes. Comparatively, there weren't as many intimate scenes in the Japanese version nor were they too explicit. Nonetheless, I thought that Yokohama and Minami managed to portray the strong attraction between their characters very well in the first few episodes when lingering gazes into each other's eyes proved to be more sensual and romantic than when they first slept together and became an item.

- The supporting characters may not get as much airtime as the main couple but I thought that their stories were equally, if not more appealing than the main plot especially in the latter part of the drama. Short and impactful scenes on the whole.

- Perhaps it's just me but I always have this feeling with director Fujii Michihito's works - they tend to start off brilliantly yet disappoint at the end most of the time. While I get it that Yokohama and Fujii may have worked well together and on multiple occasions in the past, it makes me wonder if this drama might have turned out a bit differently with a different director or a different actor. Everything seemed to go downhill once Ren and Miu got together especially when the ending was so expected and underwhelming. I also wondered why the setting of the main couple was lecturer-student/teaching assistant when I vaguely remember that the Korean version seemed to feature the leads as fellow students. Was it to make the story appear a bit more "scandalous and forbidden" than it should be?

- It could be due to the fact that this drama was made by ABEMA so there were some junctures when I felt that this drama was an extended version of their romance reality show "Renai dorama na koi ga shitai". As such, some developments felt a bit forced and staged as if to remind viewers that this was all make-believe. I think this is counter-effective in making viewers feel more immersed and engaged with this story.

- The title really got on my nerves because the more accurate translation for Nevertheless should be soredemo or sorenimo kakawarazu (それでも or それにもかかわらず). However, wakatteitemo's meaning actually means "even though I know/understand". While it may be that this was because the literal translation may not sound as impactful as the chosen title, it still bugged me especially since the title was repeatedly mentioned in the lines as if to remind me of the mismatch in the term used and the actual meaning.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Romaji lyrics of "Fuujin" by Vaundy - Theme song of TBS Autumn 2024 drama "Lion no kakurega"

Title: Fuujin
Artist: Vaundy
Lyrics & Melody: Vaundy
Theme song of TBS Autumn 2024 drama "Lion no kakurega"

dare yori mo
[sukuitai] to higeki wo kidotteta

mendou yori mo
sore ga kudaitemo
taberenai yue ni

dainou no ishi dewa
seikan ga kime no itte nandatte
daga shinzou ga iu niwa

mebukeba eiyou sa

kono saki mo dare ka wo omou tabi
kazematoi surikizu ga taenai darou
daga yagate kono kaze 
ukerutabi ni
sono kaegatai
nukui itami ni
mukuwarete itai

jiri jiri
hohotsutatte itai yo
hira hira
nodomoto tsutatte

hai ga itai yo
demo ne
atatakai ne

sore ga
dainou no ishi dewa
kuwazugirai ga kime no itte dattatte
mata shinzou ga iu niwa

kimi mo sou fuujin sa

kono saki mo dare ka wo omou tabi
kazematoi surikizu ga taenai darou
daga yagate kono kaze 
ukerutabi ni
sono kaegatai
nukui itami ni
mukuwarete itai

moshimo kono yo no sukima ni
ai wo sukoshi wakerareta nara
sore de kono nukumori ni
sukimakaze mo
nagudarou ka

boku ga dare ka wo omou tabi
kazematoi surikizu ga taenai darou
daga yagate kono kaze 
ukerutabi ni
sono kaegatai
nukui itami ni

anata wo omou tabi ni
kazematoi surikizu ga taenai darou
daga yagate kono kaze 
ukerutabi ni
sono kaegatai
nukui itami ni
sukuwarete ita
hazu dakara

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Updates and new information from the Nakai Masahiro & FujiTV incident - 26 Jan 2025

- Out of the 1,300+ employees of FujiTV, about 1,100 had attended the staff briefing - around 500 were at the venue while the rest dialed in remotely. 

- FujiTV's labour union had submitted a letter to the company's president Minato Koichi to request that the upcoming press conference on 27 Jan 2025 should be attended by him, the chairman Kanou Shuuji and the advisor Hieda Hisashi who is also the chairman of Fuji-Sankei Communications Group. However, the request for Hieda's attendance was rejected with the reason that he is "just an advisor".
Hieda is said to be an "untouchable figure" in FujiTV and a key reason for its corporate culture. While it is hard to imagine the possibility that he can be removed or leave the top management due to this current scandal, getting him to face the media is seen as a critical move to show FujiTV's resolve in solving the problem and changing its internal culture and practices.

- Usually, the news reporting department would tend to gloss over or spend very little time covering negative news about its own company. However, there was extensive coverage this time on FujiTV's own news programmes and no lack of harsh words about the management's handling of the matter. It was revealed by insiders that the news department refused to listen to the management's request to be lenient in their coverage. Another reason cited for FujiTV's news department being so insistent with their coverage this time was that A-san, the executive who reportedly set up the fateful meal gathering for Nakai and X-san had exerted pressure on the department not to report negative news about Nakai on multiple occasions in the past.
Traditionally, the news reporting department has significant power in a TV station. One example of its influence can be seen by NHK's documentary covering the Kitagawa Johnny scandal in Oct 2024 which was produced by the news department. Despite the entertainment department's intention to resume their collaboration with artists from STARTO ENTERTAINMENT, the timing of the release was seen as a move which derailed the entertainment department's efforts.

- During FujiTV's staff briefing on 23 Jan 25, the chief of the compliance department revealed the following statistics.
  • There is an annual compliance e-learning course which all staff members have to take.
  • In 2024, while as many as 85.6% of the employees completed this module, only 35.3% of the executives did the same.
  • Of the 17 executives who completed the course, only 6 of them passed it.
Upon seeing these figures, the chief questioned the top management as to whether they think they are still fit for their jobs which was then met with applause from the audience.

- There was someone who spoke harshly about the individual(s) who had leaked footage of the staff briefing to rival TV stations like TBS. As their coverage was less than positive, this employee criticised whoever did this would "cause his salary and bonus" to be reduced as a result. He said that it was a crime to reveal business secrets that violated the Unfair Competition Prevention Act and wished that the person who leaked the information would never be able to sleep well from now on for doing such a wrong thing.
One of the employees who leaked the audio to the media commented that this felt like a direct threat against them for speaking up and questioned the double standards displayed here. Since news reporters also make use of leaked information from sources such as the government, police or prosecutors for their exclusive scoops, it is hypocritical to accuse others of committing a criminal act in this instance. As such, it felt to some that the company and some of its employees are still most concerned about protecting their own interests rather than doing what's supposed to be right.

- Slightly after the staff briefing passed the third hour mark, one employee commented that the company did not actually have the intention to protect its employees. It was pointed out that there was hardly any mention of the victim X-san and that apologies for the mishandling of the incident were directed largely at the viewers, sponsors and FujiTV employees. First and foremost, the apology should have been directed to X-san who used to be an employee as well. 
It was also revealed that the culture of not speaking out for fear of retaliation is strong and evident in FujiTV such as during the recent new year's party. During that event, one of the managing directors asked if anyone had questions to ask but a female employee who had summoned the courage to speak up while in tears was effectively silenced and not allowed to say anything else after raising her question.

- An employee from the sports department was furious about how the TV station continued to engage Nakai for various sports programmes for a good 1.5 years after the incident happened. It was infuriating to realise belatedly that the staff had continued to work with Nakai with a smile without knowing what he did. While FujiTV had its reasons as to why they continued to let Nakai host "Dare to Nakai", there was simply no justification for the string of sports programmes FujiTV made during the past 1.5 years with him including the Paris Olympics special coverage in July 24 and the feature on Ohtani Shohei in September 24 as well as the World Series coverage last year.
In response, the top management couldn't give a clear answer and said that they will leave it to the third-party investigation committee to ascertain if there was any mishandling and misjudgment involved in these decisions.

- An employee working in a department which receives feedback from viewers, revealed how they were inundated with calls and complaints about FujiTV's excuse of protecting the victim's privacy when they refused to answer questions from the media during the press conference. This was simply not acceptable to the public at large and the employees were simply unable to answer to the sponsors nor viewers with this kind of reason.

- Despite the bad press surrounding FujiTV's press conference on 17 Jan, the share price of its parent company i.e. Fuji Media Holdings saw a surge this week with an increase of more than 5% to JPY 1,785 when compared to the previous week. Potential reasons cited for this include:
  • The TV station business accounts for less than 20% of the parent's profits. In fact, 53.9% of the parent's operating gains comes from the real estate business as compared to 46.5% for TBS and 9.9% for NTV. As such, it can be said that Fuji Media Holdings is more of a real estate company than a media company.
  • Some investors see the share price as hitting rock bottom and that it should be going up if FujiTV goes through a management change and corporate reforms
  • People want to attend the shareholders' meeting which will most likely be held in Jun this year where they can raise questions to the management and speak during the event
- With the revelation that FujiTV's management had known about the incident as far back as Jun 2023, there is a possibility that some sponsors may sue them for concealing such a material fact when signing the advertising contracts. As such, this was said to be a key reason for FujiTV offering to refund the advertisement fees from Jan 2025 onwards in order to placate the advertisers for the time being.
Estimated losses from the advertisers' exodus are said to be above JPY 50 billion. Using the timed-CM scheme as an example (sponsors for specific programmes), such contracts usually last for 6 months and are signed about 2 months beforehand. As such, even though the negotiation for the April cycle is currently in progress, many advertisers are not committing for now at least until the investigation report's findings are out. The revenue for the April to September 2024 cycle was JPY 71.2 billion.

- While news of the advertisers pulling their CMs out from FujiTV have hogged headlines, FLASH's investigation shows the other side of the coin where more than 55 companies' CMs were shown on 22 Jan. It approached these companies for the reason why they have continued to show their CMs on FujiTV and their plans going forward - 28 of them responded to FLASH by 24 Jan.
  • Of these, some said that they will replace their CMs with those from AC Japan from a later date or are already in the midst of doing so e.g. AirTrip (next week), Dwango Gakuen (from 23 Jan), Rohto Pharmaceutical and ArtNature Inc.
  • Some companies are not commenting on this issue for now e.g. DINOS CORPORATION, Ryukakusan and Nitori
According to a FujiTV employee interviewed by FLASH, the advisor Hieda Hisashi has strong ties with the corporate world thus this was said to be a key reason why some companies are still staying with FujiTV despite what's going on.

- FujiTV's second press conference will be held from 4pm on 27 Jan 2025. Learning from its mistakes in the first press conference on 17 Jan, there will no longer be any restrictions on the media representatives attending the event nor the number of questions they can ask. 
Past examples of "long" press conferences:
  • The Johnny's Jimusho press conference in Sep 2023 to address the sexual assault issue of Johnny Kitagawa had lasted more than 4 hours. Despite the host asking for each media representative to keep to one question each so that everyone could have their turn, there were some reporters who asked multiple questions thus leading to the press conference going on for longer than expected. 
  • Yoshimoto Kogyo's 5.5 hours press conference in July 2019 (10 minute break included) to address the issue of its artistes doing business or having association with anti-social forces. This did not have restrictions on the number of questions nor the time of the event. About 300 representatives from 100 media outlets came for the press conference which was broadcast live on various TV stations and via the Internet.
In view of these examples, it is expected that FujiTV's press conference would most likely go beyond 4 hours.

- FujiTV's resistance to showing its press conference live and via the Internet is said to be due to a longstanding practice in the TV industry. With regard to its first press conference on 17 Jan which was heavily criticised, it was reported in the media that despite some executives expressing concern over the closed-format of the event, Hieda and Minato both decided to go ahead with a no-go for the live broadcast and online streaming. 
While some had pointed out that this was due to the concern of having such footage being used in less-than-positive reporting and archives in future, this practice of addressing scandals and negative news in "regular press conferences" or closed events is not exactly new and certainly not restricted to FujiTV. This is in stark contrast to the Japanese corporate world where most top executives are expected to come out to face the media in specially arranged press conferences aired live and shown to the world via the Internet:
  • Female pro wrestler Kimura Hana committed suicide in 2020 due to criticism and defamatory remarks left by viewers over her scenes in "Terrace House" that were heavily edited to project her in a negative and untrue manner. FujiTV only offered an apology for their role in this matter more than a month i.e. 3 July after Kimura's demise on 23 May and that was during their regular press conference, not an event intended solely for this purpose. Back then, the press conference was hosted by then-president Endo Ryuunosuke and then-managing director Ohta Tooru. Footage of that press conference, be it video or photos, were not released. In contrast, Kimura's mother appeared in front of the media despite the potential risk of being subjected to further online bullying and defamation for speaking out.
  • Ashihara Hinako, the author of "Sexy Tanaka-san" passed away in January 2024 due to a suspected suicide after revealing her controversy with NTV over their real-life adaptation drama of her work. NTV only commented on this officially with an internal investigation report that was released more than 4 months after her passing. Its president Ishizawa Akira apologised at their regular press conference another 2 months later on 29 July 2024. Similarly, no photos and videos of this event were released.
  • In the investigation report about the Kitagawa Johnny scandal last year, the media was singled out as an accomplice under the section "The silence of the mass media" for keeping quiet and not reporting on the matter despite being in the know for decades. In response, the 5 key TV stations and NHK released similarly-worded statements on their websites which had the common theme of expressing their stand of no tolerance for sexual violence but stopped short of admitting any liability and responsibility in the scandal. None of the management or those involved from the TV stations have come forward in public to talk about this issue.

Preview of "Gold Sunset" - Winter 2025

Title: Gold Sunset / ゴールドサンセット
Official website: here
O.A. Start Date: 23 February 2025
Timeslot: Sundays at 10pm
Broadcast by: WOWOW
Total number of episodes: 6
Original novel by: Shirao Haruka
Cast: Uchino Seiyo, Kobayashi Satomi, Nakajima Yuuto, Miura Touko, Maida Nono, Wakui Emi, Sakai Maki, Musaka Naomasa, Ando Tamae, Arizono Yoshiki, Tsukayama Masane, Masuoka Tooru & Fubuki Jun

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Updates and new information from the Nakai Masahiro & FujiTV incident - 25 Jan 2025

In view of the fact that there are new updates, developments and information reported pretty much every day for the ongoing Nakai Masahiro and FujiTV incident, I have decided to collate them into single blog posts on a daily basis as and when needed. Due to the length of the information, formatting them on social media platforms with character limits is a huge challenge so this will allow me to save some time while also making it easier for people to read and keep track of the latest developments.

- The chief of FujiTV's Compliance Promotion Office spoke out during the staff briefing on 23 Jan 2025 and revealed that he first heard of the incident only when reporters came to interview him in Dec last year. He questioned the top management as to why this matter was left unresolved for so long, who had made the decision to handle the issue in this manner and why he was never consulted on this before the scandal blew up in the public domain. 

- At the beginning of the staff briefing, it was specifically stated that filming and audio recording of the session were not allowed. However, Gendai Business received an audio recording of the entire session from an employee who was furious about FujiTV's handling of the matter.
  • While it was pointed out that there were people who felt that Nakai was the culprit and should bear the most responsibility for creating this problem, FujiTV was also seen to be in the wrong for concealing such an important issue and had fatal flaws in its compliance measures and governance structure.
  • During the session, there were repeated calls for the chairman and president to step down. There was also criticism directed towards Hieda Hisashi for his domination of power in the company for a very long time and building a management culture in FujiTV where everyone was fearful of him and couldn't say or do things which he didn't like. When pressed by the employees on whether the management still wanted to stay on in this situation, the latter did not give a definite answer. Upon seeing this, an employee asked if they will only leave the management team when FujiTV ends up with no CMs at all and this scenario is likely to happen as early as by this very weekend. One employee was in tears and pointed out frankly that Hieda who did not even attend the briefing, is precisely the root cause of what led to the concealment of Nakai's sexual assault incident by FujiTV. Even after hearing these, the management continued to give ambiguous answers about their future in the company and did not even mention Hieda.
  • At the mention of the establishment of a third party investigation committee, a reforms committee and a revitalization committee to deal with the aftermath of this issue, employees were angry about how these moves were superficial at best since there was nothing concrete planned and disclosed to the staff. An employee in his/her 50s lashed out at this by questioning the management as to what kind of image they were trying to create with these committees. Besides, there is no guarantee that advertisers and sponsors will return to FujiTV even after the third party investigation committee releases its findings by end Mar 2025. The same employee then asked for the resignation of the entire board of directors which is made up mainly of older people and to replace all of them with employees in their 40s who should lead the way for the sake of FujiTV's future. If the company does not show its resolve in changing its ways, this issue will become a matter of life and death for the employees and their families. Rather than think about how to revitalize the company or pretend that the company has changed, solving the current problem on hand is more important. This employee's comments were met with loud applause from the audience.
  • There was also the view that Nakai announcing his retirement effectively meant that FujiTV was left to fend for itself in the scandal.
- Wakasa Masaru, a lawyer who used to be the deputy director of Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office's Special Investigation Department, commented during the 24 Jan 2025 broadcast of TBS' "Hiruobi" that it was surprising to see some footage from the staff briefing appearing on TBS even though the session was supposedly restricted to FujiTV employees only. He pointed that this was most likely due to FujiTV employees leaking the footage to external parties even though this could have contained content that would be potentially damaging to the company. However, this was probably also a show of the staff's sense of crisis, distrust of their management and their hope that other TV stations will take a good look at themselves as well to weed out similar problems.

- FujiTV will not be charging its advertisers which have pulled out their ads and replaced them with AC Japan ones for Jan 2025. In addition, it had also informed them that from Feb 2025 onwards, they are free to proceed with cancellations. Mainichi Shimbun has checked with several of these advertisers which confirmed that they were indeed notified of this.
  • However, given that the findings report from FujiTV's investigation committee is expected to be ready by the end of Mar 2025, advertisers will no doubt be stuck in limbo for now since they won't be able to make decisions on whether to continue or sign new contracts for the period starting from Apr 2025. Traditionally, negotiations for such contracts are held in Jan for the quarter beginning Apr.
  • Up till 20 January, it was reported that 75 companies had pulled out their ads. With this current announcement, FujiTV's ad revenue looks set to be hit badly. In the fiscal year ended Mar 2024, the company achieved ad revenue totaling JPY 147.3 billion i.e. an average of about JPY 12.2 billion per month.
- Affiliated local TV stations in the same media group have also been hit with ad cancellations from advertisers such as supermarket chain York-Benimaru. The affected ones include Sendai Housou (Miyagi), Sakuranbo TV (Yamagata) and Fukushima TV (Fukushima).

- Various TV stations nationwide have released statements about their stances with regard to this incident. 
  • Hokkaido Bunka Housou said on 23 Jan that although it is part of the same network as FujiTV, they are a separate corporate entity and local TV station which has been contributing to their local region through its independent programming and production. It prides itself in abiding by compliance rules and its staff have always worked hard to uphold moral standards in a responsible manner. In order to continue earning the trust of its viewers, it had conducted its own investigation which did not uncover any compliance issues.
  • TV Shizuoka also expressed its stance of no tolerance for violation of human rights and harassment on 23 Jan. It said that it had always abided by its ethical behaviour guidelines. Soon after the FujiTV issue came to light, it had also conducted an anonymous internal survey with its staff and will continue efforts to further improve working conditions.
- The spillover effects of the incident have spread to FujiTV's drama production side. 
  • Some talent agency personnel interviewed by the media revealed that there have been quite a number of notifications from FujiTV to change the filming locations which coincide with reports that it has become increasingly difficult to secure permissions for filming. In particular, locations involving or related to government agencies have almost become a no-go for FujiTV's productions. In order to deal with the situation, more scenes have to be shot in the studios instead but this move will no doubt affect the production quality as well. Bookings for FujiTV's Wangan Studios are already full. Ironically though, the move isn't that bad for the actors and their on-site managers since this means that they won't have to waste time travelling to various filming locations.
  • Katori Shingo's drama "Nipponichi no saitei otoko" had to cancel a filming supposed to take place at Yurakucho in downtown Tokyo during mid Jan. In the end, the filming was done in Machida, a suburb of Tokyo, at the very last minute. Due to the fact that the filming involved extras, the location change turned out to be a nightmare for the crew.
  • During the employee briefing, a representative from the drama production department revealed the current dire situation facing the drama "119 Emergency Call". This drama is a tie-up with Yokohama City Fire Department which had allowed their name to be featured, lent their uniforms and even allowed the use of some facilities in Yokohama City which are typically not opened for filming. However, due to the scandal, the mayor of Yokohama City said in a press conference on the day before the employee briefing that they have no choice but to review their collaboration with FujiTV depending on how the situation develops. As it is, there have been calls made to the fire department's general hotline to complain about their collaboration with FujiTV. If the situation worsens or the complaint calls spill over to the 119 emergency hotline, it is very likely that the collaboration will be terminated which means that filming cannot continue and they will not be able to air the drama till the end. However, the president said that he didn't have an answer or solution to this at the moment and simply apologised for the trouble the staff were put through.
- Staff working on programmes which involve interviewing the public on the streets are said to be having a hard time too. They have had to face rejection from interviewees as soon as the latter find out that the staff are from FujiTV so this reflects the poor public perception of the TV station at the moment.

- The release of a compilation of short novels written by 6 FujiTV announcers has been postponed. The book which is supposed to be published on 3 Mar 2025, had been promoted since Dec 2024 but its preorder page was taken down. Among the 6 announcers who wrote the book, Sasaki Kyoko was named in Bunshun's article as one of the executives who had received X-san's report of what happened but suspected not to have taken adequate action. While the publisher did not go into details on why the book's release was postponed, Sasaki's suspected involvement in the incident was suggested as a potential factor especially as the scandal involving FujiTV grew bigger.

- As pointed out by Sports Hochi, during the 100-min or so first press conference by FujiTV to a limited group of media representatives, the president refused to answer or divulge any information for a good 30 times. This was said to be one of the key reasons leading to the poor reception of that press conference and subjecting FujiTV to further criticism and ridicule both online and offline. 
  • Even national papers which are traditionally quite subdued in their tones, were openly harsh in their criticism of FujiTV. Nikkei Shimbun's commentary on 19 Jan said that trying to protect the victim's privacy was important but being open and honest about the investigation findings was also critical. The press conference on 17 Jan was definitely not open as it was made out to be. Likewise, Asahi Shimbun also said that it was necessary for the president's responsibility in this matter to be ascertained during the investigation or else the cloud of doubt will continue to hang over FujiTV.
  • Murakami Seiichiro, the Minister of Internal Affairs and Communications (TV stations are governed by this ministry under the Broadcasting Act and the Radio Act), pointed out during a press conference after the Cabinet meeting on 21 Jan that it was important for FujiTV to do the investigation as soon as possible and ensure the independence of the investigation committee. He also called upon the management to put in effort to regain and restore trust by sponsors and viewers which was interpreted as a sign of displeasure towards the press conference by FujiTV.

Preview of "Ghost of Radio ~ Bachiboko kowai shinrei bus tour ~" (Drama SP)

Title: Ghost of Radio ~ Bachiboko kowai shinrei bus tour ~ / ゴースト・オブ・レディオ~バチボコ怖い心霊バスツアー~
Official website: here
O.A. Date: 16 February 2025 at 7.30pm
Broadcast by: WOWOW
Cast: Koseki Yuuta, Sato Kanta, Yoshizumi, Ota Masaki, Saori, Kitano Hinako, Kawasaki Juri, Matsuda Daisuke, Sakai Takashi, Sato Kouzou, Murata Yui, Kudo Kosei, Kurosawa Kazuko, Maeda Oushiro, Maeno Tomoya, Komiya Hironobu & Aida Shuji
Special Guests: Shimizu Michiko & Chiba Yuudai

Friday, January 24, 2025

Preview of "Bansan Blues" - Winter 2025

Title: Bansan Blues / 晩餐ブルース
Official website: here
Official Instagram: here
Official TikTok: here
Official X: here
O.A. Start Date: 22 January 2025
Timeslot: Wednesdays at 1am
Broadcast by: TV Tokyo
Cast: Inowaki Kai, Kaneko Daichi, Kusakawa Takuya, Hoshi Moeka & Ishida Takuya

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Romaji lyrics of "Nekko" by King Gnu (Theme song of TBS Autumn 2024 drama "Umi ni nemuru daiyamondo")

Title: Nekko
Artist: King Gnu
Lyrics & Melody: Tsuneta Daiki
Theme song of TBS Autumn 2024 drama "Umi ni nemuru daiyamondo"

sasayaka na hana de ii
oogesa de nakute ii
tada anata ni totte
kachi ga areba ii

dare mo kizukanai
arifureta ichirin de ii
anata ga utsumukareta
sono saki ni ne wo haru
sonna hana de ii

tada mokumoku to nekko nobashite
anata ni mitsukaru no wo matsu no
toki no hohaba ga ookisugiru kara
kyou mo unzari suru hodo ni
kono mi no take wo shiru no

nozomanu tomo
tokei no hari wa susumi tsuzukeru
motomeru hodo toozagaru
daiji na mono koso
toki no kaze ga saratte yuku
omoide no gareki ni ne wo hatteru
koko de itsumademo matteiru
kyou mo anata wo omotteiru

kazaranai hana de ii
hanayaka denakute ii
anata no itami no ue ni
ne wo harereba ii

hitoshikiri no ame ni
nagasarenu you na
futoshita kanashimi wo
sotto wasuresaseru you na
sonna hana de ii

sonna hana de ii

tada kimi ga naku nara boku mo naku kara
sono utsukushiku tsuyoku nobita ne wa
darenimo mie ya shinai keredo
mujou no ue ni sakihokore

tada kimi ga nakunara boku mo naku kara
kokoro futatsu kanashimi hitotsu de
nanjuunen saki mo sakitsuzukeru hana
mujou no ue ni saa sakihokore

sasayaka na hana de ii
oogesa de nakute ii
tada anata to
ikudo mo no arashi wo mukaeyou to
keshite ore wa shinai
sonna hana ga ii

sasayaka na hana de ii
oogesa de nakute ii
tada anata ni totte
kachi ga areba ii

dare mo kizukanai
arifureta ichirin de ii
anata ga utsumukareta
sono saki ni ne wo haru

kazaranai hana de ii
hanayaka de nakute ii
anata no yorokobi no ue ni
mi ga nareba ii

hitoshikiri no ame ni
nagasarenu you na
futoshita kanashimi wo
sotto wasuresaseru you na
sonna hana ga ii

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Quick Review #93: Slow Train (Drama SP)

Title: Slow Train / スロウトレイン

Rating: 8 / 10

Recommended for
Those who want to watch a heartwarming story about life and families and/or are fans of the cast and the scriptwriter Nogi Akiko

- As if to coincide with the title, the pace of the story may be a tad slow at first as the groundwork was laid to introduce the key characters and their life situations. However, things picked up considerably in the second hour as the signature style of Nogi became more apparent - talking about life and social issues but not in a preachy or overly heavy manner. It left enough room for viewers to ponder over the points raised and form their own opinions about these topics including the meaning of loneliness, family, love and feeling lost about where we are headed in life. Coupled with the light-toned dialogue and great chemistry among the cast members, it made this drama quite palatable and suitable to be watched at the start of a new year.

- The cast lineup was pretty impressive with most of them being leading men and women-level. I especially liked the three siblings played by Matsu Takako, Tabe Mikako and Matsuzaka Toori who had such great chemistry and it was heartwarming to see their characters' interactions and siblings' love play out naturally on screen. Even guest appearances were fronted by big names like Iura Arata who managed to work their magic despite having just a couple of scenes.

- The scenery along the Enoden railway line and sights from Kamakura were so nice to look at and personally felt nostalgic to me as it has been many years since I last visited the area. 

- Frankly speaking, I thought that the link between Kamakura and Busan was rather weak. Although the Haeundae Beach Train was included as a similarity with Enoden, the vibes of both cities felt quite different, at least to me. While I understood that the inclusion of Busan in the story was to show Miyako's resolve in starting a new life and how she had moved out of her comfort zone in a drastic manner, it still didn't quite convince me that Kamakura and Busan were similar in any way. Makes me wonder if the inclusion of Korean elements in the story was partly due to the co-production deal between TBS and CJ ENM. Perhaps Sokcho might be a better choice to draw parallels with Kamakura but I guess it's probably not as well-known to Japanese viewers compared to Busan.

- Although Tabe was acting as Matsuzaka's elder sister, it bugged me a bit because in actual fact, he is one year older than her (strictly speaking, just 4 months+ apart) and looks more mature in comparison due to her babyface.

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Excellence Award Winners of the 48th Nippon Academy Awards (2024) - Film & individual acting awards

Unlike other awards, the Nippon Academy Awards selects 5 "winners" in each category for the excellence awards and presents the grand award to the No.1 among these 5 in the 15 main categories during its prize-giving ceremony. As such, the list here represent actually winners of the excellence awards and not nominees as explained by the organiser. 

The prize-giving ceremony for the 48th edition will be held on 14 March 2025. For the full list of winners, please refer here (currently, the official website is down due to high traffic).

Best Movie
- Kingdom 4 Daishogun no kikan
- Samurai Time Slipper
- Shoutai
- Yoake no subete
- Last Mile

Best Director 
- Sato Shinsuke (Kingdom 4 Daishogun no kikan)
- Tsukahara Ayuko (Last Mile)
- Fujii Michihito (Shoutai)
- Miyake Sho (Yoake no subete)
- Yasuda Junichi (Samurai Time Slipper)

Best Scriptwriter
- Irie Yu (An no koto)
- Ohshima Satomi (99-sai. Nani ga medetai)
- Kodera Kazuhisa / Fujii Michihito (Shoutai)
- Nogi Akiko (Karaoke iko!)
- Nogi Akiko (Last Mile)
- Yasuda Junichi (Samurai Time Slipper)

Best Leading Actor
- Ayano Go (Karaoke iko!)
- Kusanagi Tsuyoshi (Gobangiri)
- Yamaguchi Makiya (Samurai Time Slipper)
- Yamazaki Kento (Kingdom 4 Daishogun no kikan)
- Yokohama Ryuusei (Shoutai)

Best Leading Actress
- Ishihara Satomi (Missing)
- Kamishiraishi Mone (Yoake no subete)
- Kawai Yumi (An no koto)
- Kusabue Mitsuko (99-sai. Nani ga medetai)
- Mitsushima Hikari (Last Mile)

Best Supporting Actor
- Uchino Seiyo (Hakkenden)
- Oosawa Takao (Kingdom 4 Daishogun no kikan)
- Okada Masaki (Last Mile)
- Sato Jiro (An no koto)
- Yamada Takayuki (Shoutai)

Best Supporting Actress
- Ashida Mana (Hataraku saibou)
- Kiyohara Kaya (Gobangiri)
- Tsuchiya Tao (Hakkenden)
- Yamada Anna (Shoutai)
- Yoshioka Riho (Shoutai)

- Saito Asuka (Oshi no ko - The Final Act -)
- Shibuya Nagisa (Ano ko wa daare?)
- Yamada Anna (Golden Kamuy / Shoutai)
- Akaso Eiji (Rokunin no usotsuki na daigakusei / Moshimo Tokugawa Ieyasu ga souridaijin ni nattara)
- Itagaki Rihito (Hakkenden / Hataraku saibou / Onmyouji 0)
- Koshiyama Keitatsu (Boku no ohisama)
- Saito Jun (Karaoke iko!)
- Morimoto Shintaro (Shoutai)

Association Honorary Award 
- The late Nishida Toshiyuki

What are AC Japan ads and the implications of its ads running in times of crisis such as the Nakai Masahiro & FujiTV incident

With the recent ongoing controversy involving Nakai Masahiro and FujiTV, AC Japan's advertisements have been thrust into the limelight again as companies pull off their ads from FujiTV and replace them with those from AC Japan. So what is AC Japan and why are their ads being used in times like this?

To begin with, AC Japan stands for Ad Council Japan and its Japanese full name is 公益社団法人ACジャパン (Koueki Shadan Houjin AC Japan). It is a private non-profit organisation under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs which distributes Japanese public service announcements on behalf of various sponsors including companies in the private sector, NPOs and government agencies. As such, its advertisements are nicknamed as "filler ads" meant to take up the advertising slots vacated due to a variety of reasons. For example, after the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami crisis, most advertisers withdrew their TV ads and replaced them with AC Japan ads which promoted traditional Japanese values. 

AC Japan does not actually produce the public service advertisements itself but is a coordinator and distributor. Its ads must be non-partisan and have relevance in Asia and Japan on a national or regional level. Advertising campaigns are assigned to volunteer advertising agencies tasked to produce the ads before AC Japan distributes them to media outlets. The organisation also accepts requests for Japanese advertising campaigns which are focused on specific social issues.

Now...the thing is, advertisers still have to pay the media outlets for the advertisement slots even if they replace their own ads with AC Japan's. In terms of what is happening during the current issue with Nakai and FujiTV, what this essentially means is that companies still have to pay FujiTV for their pre-booked advertisement slots until the time when their contracts with the TV stations expire. It does not mean that the advertisement income flowing to FujiTV is immediately cut off especially if such payments were made in advance.

As such, the significance of pulling the ads off FujiTV is more symbolic rather than dealing actual damage to FujiTV's bottomline now. The movement by these companies can be interpreted as a indication of not wanting to be seen by the public as still supporting FujiTV in the midst of this controversy. While they can't deny payment to FujiTV for now due to the existing contracts, the bigger challenge going forward for the TV station is when these advertisement contracts are due for renewal. If there is no specific and satisfactory resolution reached by then, these companies can then have a choice of not signing new contracts with FujiTV. That is probably when it will hurt FujiTV the most since advertisement income is the lifeline of a TV station.

However, it is still early days to judge whether the advertisers will stick to their decisions to boycott FujiTV over a longer term. Generally, the new financial year begins in April so if this issue with Nakai is yet to be resolved by then, we might continue to see a lot of AC Japan ads on FujiTV in the meantime at least till end March 2025. And depending on how the controversy develops in time to come, that will also be a key deciding factor for advertisers when planning their next fiscal year's advertising budgets.

Preview of "Souzoku Tantei" - Winter 2025

Title: Souzoku Tantei / 相続探偵
Official website: here
Official Instagram: here
Official TikTok: here
Official X: here
O.A. Start Date: 25 January 2025
Timeslot: Saturdays at 9pm
Broadcast by: NTV
Original manga by: Nishiogi Yumie & Ikuta You
Theme Song: "Last Letter" by Reini
Cast: Akaso Eiji, Sakurada Hiyori, Yamoto Yuuma, Ochiai Motoki, Shibukawa Kiyohiko, Miura Takahiro & Kato Masaya

Monday, January 20, 2025

Preview of "Aishii ~ Shunkan kioku sousa Hiiragi han ~" - Winter 2025

Title: Aishii ~ Shunkan kioku sousa Hiiragi han ~ / アイシー ~ 瞬間記憶捜査・柊班 ~
Official website: here
Official Instagram: here
Official TikTok: here
Official X: here
O.A. Start Date: 21 January 2025
Timeslot: Tuesdays at 9pm
Broadcast by: FujiTV
Cast: Haru, Yamamoto Koji, Morimoto Shintaro, Kura Yuki & Kashiwagi Haru etc.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Preview of "Himitsu The Top Secret" - Winter 2025

Title: Himitsu The Top Secret / 秘密
Official website: here
Official Instagram: here
Official TikTok: here 
Official X: here
O.A. Start Date: 20 January 2025
Timeslot: Mondays at 10pm
Broadcast by: Kansai TV
Original manga by: Shimizu Reiko
Theme Song: "Iris" by BUDDiiS
Cast: Itagaki Rihito, Nakajima Yuuto, Kadowaki Mugi, Takahashi Tsutomu, Narumi Yui, Hamatsu Takayuki, Asa Tatsumi, Morita Kokoro, Umefune Ariei, Rijuu Go, Mashima Hidekazu & Kunimura Jun

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Preview of "Tokyo Camouflage Hour" - Winter 2025

Title: Tokyo Camouflage Hour / トーキョーカモフラージュアワー
Official website: here
Official Instagram: here
Official LINE: here
Official TikTok: here
Official X: here
O.A. Start Date: 18 January 2025 (TV Asahi) / 19 January 2025 (ABC TV)
Timeslot: Saturdays at 2.30am (TV Asahi) / Sundays at 12.10am (ABC TV)
Broadcast by: TV Asahi
Original manga by: Matsumoto Chiaki
Cast: Matsukura Kaito, Katayama Yuki, Higuchi Hina, Matsumoto Leo, Okura Takato, Yuuki Mio & Niiyama Sayaka