Sunday, June 26, 2016

Production press conference of FujiTV Summer 2016 drama "ON Ijou Hanzai Sousakan Toudou Hinako"

The production press conference of FujiTV Summer 2016 drama "ON Ijou Hanzai Sousakan Toudou Hinako" was held on 24 June which was attended by cast members Haru, Watabe Atsuro, Harada Mieko, Hayashi Kento and Kaname Jun. The drama which will begin its run from 12 July in the Tuesdays 10pm timeslot, features Haru in her first leading role in a private network drama as a newbie police detective who investigates strange cases.

As her character has a strange eating habit of putting shichimi in everything she eats, Haru was asked if she has a similar habit which she revealed that she would never finish her drinks and leave about 2 to 3cm of the beverage for some reason. Haru has been busy since she made it big in the NHK morning drama "Asa ga kita" and revealed that she has been able to cope with this by ensuring that she gets enough sleep once she's off work.

Source: Sanspo

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