Sunday, June 26, 2016

Completion screening event of new movie "Himitsu THE TOP SECRET"

The completion screening event of new movie "Himitsu THE TOP SECRET" was held at Shinjuku Picadilly on 22 June which was attended by the director Otomo Keishi and cast members Ikuta Toma, Okada Masaki, Matsuzaka Tori, Oda Risa, Kuriyama Chiaki, Shiina Kippei, Omori Nao, Okura Koji, Kinami Haruka and Hirayama Yusuke. The movie features Ikuta as the chief of a special department named "Daikyuu" (No.9) in the police which investigates unresolved cases. Okada plays a newbie officer sent to this department which is working on a case where they are trying to visualise the left-over images in people's minds to find a missing woman (Oda) but this leads them to be embroiled into a serious case. Through the investigation, the chief's past is also exposed.

As the red carpet event was held at Moa 4-bankai which is an open cafe space, the female fans who had gathered there were squealing in joy upon seeing the cast arrive. Ikuta commented that he was happy to be able to walk in the middle of Shinjuku while Okada said that he was so nervous that he was sweating. In response, Ikuta and Okura both revealed that Okada's ears would turn red once he is nervous.

During the event, Ikuta was asked about a secret he has not revealed before which he said that although everyone thought that he had never made his CD debut, he actually did form a band called Strawberry Parfait with Wentz Eiji and Maeda Aki in the past when they appeared in the programme "Tensai Terebi-kun". In that band, Ikuta played the guitar while Wentz and Maeda played the bass and keyboard respectively.

The movie is scheduled to be participating in the competition category of the 20th Fantasia International Film Festival taking place on 14 July at Montreal, Canada and will be shown in Japan from 6 August.


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