Sunday, June 26, 2016

First-day screening event of new movie "Nijuu Seikatsu"

The first-day screening event of new movie "Nijuu Seikatsu" was held at Shinjuku Picadilly on 25 June which was attended by the director Kishi Yoshiyuki and the cast Kadowaki Mugi, Hasegawa Hiroki, Suda Masaki and Lily Frankie. Kadowaki plays the role of a graduate student who is instructed to tail someone by her professor for the sake of philosophy research. When asked to comment on the film, Kadowaki said that this is a story which will exceed expectations and highlighted the scenes when she was tailing Hasegawa's character as very interesting. With regard to this, Hasegawa commented that it got quite creepy for him as he constantly felt as if he was being watched. Lily Frankie plays the university professor of Kadowaki's character while Suda plays her boyfriend.

Source: Sanspo

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