Sunday, June 26, 2016

First-day screening event of new movie "Iya na Onna"

The first-day screening event of new movie "Iya na Onna" was held on 25 June which was attended by the director Kuroki Hitomi and the cast members including Kimura Yoshino, Yoshida Yo, Nakamura Aoi, Furukawa Yuta and LaSalle Ishii. The movie is Kuroki's directorial debut and is based on the same-titled novel by Katsura Nozomi. As Kuroki was a fan of the novel, she acquired the rights to adapt it into a movie. Kuroki recounted that it had been a tough journey all this while and she had thought of giving up many times. However, she managed to persevere in the end and was very touched to be able to hold the first-day screening event now.

Yoshida who marks her first leading role in the drama, remarked with teary eyes that the audience was like angels to her and thanked them for their support. As she reflected on the filming last August, she said that Kuroki was quite demanding on the details which she sometimes could not grasp fully. In response to this, Kimura also agreed that Kuroki had high expectations of them but she was honoured to have participated in this film and learnt a lot through the experience.

It was also announced during the event that the film will be taking part in the 21st Busan International Film Festival in October this year.

Source: Sponichi

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