Thursday, October 03, 2024

Dorama World's social media channels - the way going forward (3 Oct 2024)

To date, I have relied mainly on Twitter / X and Facebook to get the word out whenever there are new posts on the Dorama World blog. However, there have been various issues over the years with these platforms which are making them no longer as effective and useful as compared to the past:

Since Twitter had an ownership change, things have been pretty messed up so I took a break from this platform for a while since my posts were just not getting out to my followers. Even after resuming activity here this year, it is so disappointing to see that the issues of posts totally not being seen by the followers or only seen days later still persist. Free features in the past such as analytics are now only available to those who have a paid account. At present, what I can tell is that less than 10% of the posts can be seen by my followers so this is a very frustrating situation to be in.

It's a different situation on Facebook as their so-called censorship is simply incomprehensible and downright ridiculous. They had removed many of my posts in recent months, some even within minutes after being posted for reasons such as them being "spam posts" and the links do not match the descriptions. The posts on both Twitter and Facebook are the same - they merely contain the title of the blog post and the URL to the post. I cannot understand how this is spam or that there is a mismatch between the link and the blog post title. 

While I have no intention to drop these social media channels for now, I am pondering over their long-term effectiveness especially since my main purpose in maintaining them is to inform readers/followers of updates to the blog. As such, in order to ensure that my messages get delivered as intended, I will use the following portals from now on along with the existing two:

For those who may not know or remember, how I came to have these accounts was because of the mess at Twitter since summer last year. Threads was touted as the "replacement" for Twitter when it first burst onto the scene so I signed up for an account to try it. And in order to have a Threads account, I needed to create an Instagram account. As such, Dorama World's accounts on these two platforms have been in existence for some time - just that I haven't used or publicised them actively.

The thing about Threads in its early days was that, the character limit made it difficult to write longer posts, there was no Web version then (typing on the phone was such a pain) and URLs couldn't be pasted into the posts. It seems now that the second and third issues are not a problem anymore so I'll give this platform a try again. Note that there are some old posts on the Threads account i.e. short reviews of dramas and movies and thoughts about various things that I did not post on the blog so in case you are keen, please check these out.

I am fully aware that there is no single platform which will satisfy everyone's needs. And to be honest, using all 4 platforms in the long term is not sustainable. While I try to figure out what would be the best strategy going forward by testing these platforms, it would be great if you could choose whatever works best for you as well and follow me on your preferred platform. Should you decide not to use any of these social media channels to keep track of my updates, I kindly ask of you to visit the blog from time to time to see if there's anything that interests you.

Thank you very much for reading this and I look forward to your continued support here!


Kim said...

Been enjoying your blog for years via RSS... thanks for all you do!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for continuing and updating us throughout the many changes in the social media platforms! I am ok with Instagram/threads and visit the blog for updates :)

Chiaki said...

Thanks for your support, Kim!

Chiaki said...

Thank you for the continued support!

Keiko said...

As you said on Twitter, Blogger has RSS automatically set up which users can subscribed to with a RSS reader. There are extensions for different browsers, and web based readers (Feedly).

As an alternative to Facebook and Twitter, maybe create a Reddit where you post quick news updates.

Keiko said...

Tumblr is another option I just thought of. It would probably be easier to take care of than a Reddit.