Saturday, March 12, 2016

Matsumoto Jun to be the lead in TBS Spring 2016 drama "99.9 - Keiji Senmon Bengoshi"

Matsumoto Jun will be starring in the upcoming TBS Spring 2016 drama "99.9 - Keiji Senmon Bengoshi" (99.9 Lawyer specialising in criminal cases) which begins its run from 17 April in the Sundays 9pm timeslot where he will play a lawyer for the first time.

The 99.9 in the title refers to the general view that anyone implicated in a criminal case in Japan is 99.9% likely to be found guilty at the end. As such, the drama features a group of lawyers specialising in dealing with criminal cases who strive for that 0.1% in probability to help their clients and try to find the truth. Matsumoto commented that as the story is an original one, he was very intrigued by the fast pace of the plot and its theme. As such, he is looking forward to playing this lawyer role who causes problems to the people around him while pursuing justice for his clients. When asked if he is concerned about the ratings pressure since this Sundays 9pm timeslot has seen mega hits like "Hanzawa Naoki" and Shitamachi Rocket" in recent years, Matsumoto commented that he's just happy and honoured to be able to act in this drama and is not so concerned about the ratings pressure. In order to prepare for the role, Matsumoto cut his hair short. He will also be featured in cooking scenes in this drama as his character's hobby is cooking.

This will be Matsumoto's first appearance in a drama since 2014's FujiTV Winter drama "Shitsuren Chocolatier" and his first leading role in the TBS Sundays 9pm timeslot. Co-stars include Kagawa Teruyuki who plays his superior at work while Eikura Nana plays Matsumoto's colleague. When asked about working with Matsumoto for the first time, Kagawa praised his co-star and said that everyone who had worked with him before only had good things to say about him. As for Eikura who had worked with Matsumoto before, she pledged to work hard and make this drama an interesting one with her co-stars.

Source: Nikkansports / Sanspo / Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi

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