Saturday, March 12, 2016

Completion screening event of new movie "Boku dake ga inai machi"

The completion screening event of new movie "Boku dake ga inai machi" was held on 25 February which was attended by the director Hirakawa Yuichiro and cast members including Fujiwara Tatsuya, Arimura Kasumi, Oikawa Mitsuhiro, Ishida Yuriko, Sugimoto Tetta, Suzuki Rio and Nakagawa Tsubasa. The movie which opens in cinemas from 19 March, features Fujiwara as a manga artist Fujinuma Satoru who finds himself embroiled in a neverending cycle of revival when he shuttles between the present and past spanning the last 18 years of his life and tries to find out the truth behind a series of kidnapping and murder cases. Arimura plays Fujinuma's colleague at his part-time job Katagiri Airi.

In conjunction with the theme of returning to the past, the cast had their old photos shown to the audience. Arimura displayed her photo when she was in primary school where she was wearing plaids and had a dark complexion as she was always outdoors at that time. When asked what she would like to change about that photo, Arimura commented that she was fine with how she looked then but wanted to change her hairstyle.

As this is the first time that Fujiwara and Arimura worked together and that their characters in the movie had feelings for each other, Arimura commented that although she felt a bit intimidated by him at first because he is more senior than her, she couldn't help but laugh whenever she looked at him as he didn't put on any airs and made her feel relaxed. Fujiwara said with a forced smile that it got so bad till Arimura was laughing so much during the filming last summer even when he was trying to have a proper conversation with her.

Fujiwara commented that it was difficult to do the filming over and over again to show the revival process but he was satisfied with the finished product. Nakagawa who won the role to play Fujiwara's character as a child among 300 applicants, revealed that his dream is to become an actor like Fujiwara with good looks, a deep voice and acting which leaves an impression on others.

Source: Sanspo / Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi

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