Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Shaku Yumiko announces her marriage through her blog

Shaku Yumiko announced through her blog on 13 October that she got married to her boyfriend on 10 October. In her statement, she commented that making her own marriage announcement at this time felt as if she was riding on the wave of consecutive marriage announcements of late. However, it was a natural progression for her and her husband because they already had marriage in mind when they started dating.

According to Shaku's agency, her husband is of the same age as her and owns restaurants in Tokyo, Yokohama and Kamakura. He is more than 1.8m tall and resembles actor Sawamura Ikki. The two of them were introduced to each other through mutual friends and started dating soon after. The reason why Shaku decided to get married was primarily due to her father and his love for mountain climbing. Although Shaku's husband had little experience in mountain climbing, he actually accompanied her on the mountain climbing trips while they were dating despite being busy with his business. As Shaku's father was a member of a mountain climbing club and had a deep love for the sport, she vowed to conquer the Kumonodaira mountain in Toyama Prefecture with her husband next year because that was the only mountain her father could not climb after being told that he had only six months to live.

Shaku mentioned that her father who passed away on 10 Jan this year due to pulmonary adenocarcinoma, was very concerned about her marriage rather than his own condition so she felt that he must be relieved now to see that she is married now. Shaku is not pregnant at the moment and the wedding will be held after her father's first death anniversary.

Source: Nikkansports / Sponichi

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