Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Oguri Shun to appear in TBS Autumn 2015 drama "Kounodori"

Oguri Shun will be appearing in the TBS Autumn 2015 drama "Kounodori" which stars Ayano Go and will begin its run from 16 October at 10pm on Fridays. He plays the role of Nagai Hiroyuki whose pregnant wife got embroiled in a traffic accident and ends up in a coma and this causes him to be faced with a difficult decision of whether to save his wife or child. From the middle of the drama onwards, Oguri's character will become a key person affecting Ayano's character Kounodori.

Both Oguri and Ayano belong to the same agency and are very good friends too. Oguri commented that he is very happy to be able to take part in Ayano's drama regardless of the nature of the role and gladly accepted the offer from the producer. Ayano had taken part in Oguri's drama "Ouroboros" earlier this year from the middle of the season.

Source: Nikkansports

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