Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Sakai Masato & Kanno Miho expecting their first child in autumn

Sakai Masato and Kanno Miho will be welcoming the arrival of their first child in autumn this year as announced by her agency on 5 May which also happens to be Children's Day in Japan. In Kanno's statement, she revealed that the couple are very happy about the new addition to their family and are making preparations for the baby as they approach the due date in autumn. Although there are no details on her pregnancy and due date, Kanno is said to be at least 5 months' pregnant by now. Her work activities from now on will depend on her condition. On the other hand, Sakai also released his statement expressing his joy and commented that he sees the baby as a gift from God entrusted to him and his wife. He also pledged to work harder in order to deliver better performances in future.

Sakai and Kanno met on the set of the movie "Ooku ~ Eien~" when filming began in January 2012 and only started dating at the end of the same year after the film was released in cinemas. The couple were first romantically linked in a Sankei Sports article on 22 March 2013 and later submitted their marriage application on 2 April. Since their marriage, Kanno has been restricting her work activities to CMs, events and magazine appearances while Sakai starred in the hit drama "Hanazawa Naoki" in summer 2013, is now seen in the NTV drama "Dr. Rintaro" and will be the lead for next year's NHK Taiga "Sanadamaru".

Source: Nikkansports / Sanspo

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