Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Beat Takeshi, Iseya Yusuke and Matsuzaka Tori to join the cast of new movie "Gekijouban MOZU"

Beat Takeshi, Iseya Yusuke and Matsuzaka Tori will be joining the cast of new movie "Gekijouban MOZU" starring Nishijima Hidetoshi which is due to be shown in cinemas from 7 November 2015. The movie which is a sequel to the drama series "MOZU" jointly produced by TBS and WOWOW in 2014, will be set six months after the end of the drama. Iseya will play the role of a crime planner named Takayanagi who works together with an assassin Gondo played by Matsuzaka to launch a series of terror attacks such as the bombing of a high-rise building and the Vietnamese embassy while carrying out a criminal plan under the name of Daruma who is played by Beat Takeshi. Daruma was depicted as a mysterious presence who appears in the dreams of various people and it is even not confirmed whether he is aliving person. His identity and the mystery surrounding his presence will be revealed in the movie.

When asked about his reason for taking on the role of Daruma, Beat Takeshi revealed that MOZU's story resembles the American suspense dramas which he likes and that because Nishijima is his radio programme fan and they have a common interest in mathematics, he believes that it will be a very enjoyable experience to take part in this movie. As for Nishijima, he worked together with Beat Takeshi in his 2002 movie "DOLLS" and is looking forward to their collaboration again. Iseya commented that he thinks that he sees the role of Takayanagi as a very challenging role for him while Matsuzaka is very excited about taking on an evil role this time.

Filming of the drama began in late March but due to restrictions on bombing and car action scenes in Japan, the cast and crew had to go to the Philippines in April for a month for the filming. They did 4 bombing scenes at a big Manila market and used a total of 1,500 bullets during the period.

Source: Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi


  1. WTF, MOZU is neverending tedium and there's a movie coming up??? Jeez.

  2. They still have a lot of loose ends to tie up, I guess. Especially with regard to Daruma which is virtually unknown except for the fact that it's supposed to be an urban legend which no one knows the truth about.
