Thursday, January 01, 2015

Hirosue Ryoko to join the cast of TBS Winter 2014 drama "Ouroboros ~ Kono ai koso, seigi"

Hirosue Ryoko will be taking on the role of Kashiwaba Yuiko in the upcoming TBS Winter 2014 drama "Ouroboros ~ Kono ai koso, seigi" starring Ikuta Toma and Oguri Shun which begins its run from 16 Jan at 10pm on Fridays. Kashiwaba was a staff member of  child welfare facility Mahoroba Gakuen who had taken care of Ryuzaki Ikuo (Ikuta) and Danno Tatsuya (Oguri Shun) when they were staying there during their childhood days. However, she ended up being killed by an unknown individual thus leading to Ryuzaki and Danno trying to find her killer and take revenge.

Co-stars in this drama include Ueno Juri, Yoshida Yo, Muro Tsuyoshi, Takeda Kumiko, Takito Kenichi, Yoshida Kotaro and Nakamura Hashinosuke.

Source: Sponichi


  1. When they've add in's look like more interesting.

  2. I think Hirosue's involvement in this drama will be rather limited. She would probably be featured more prominently in the first episode but after her character's "death", I guess her appearances would be limited to flashbacks. Nonetheless, it's still a pretty important role considering that the leads are trying to take revenge for her sake.
