Thursday, June 05, 2014

"Marumo no Okite" to return as a drama SP this autumn

"Marumo no Okite" which had propelled child actors Ashida Mana and Suzuki Fuku to stardom with its hit theme song, will be back as a drama SP via FujiTV this autumn. The drama series had featured Abe Sadao as a single salaryman who raises his best friend's twins after the latter passed away suddenly. The SP will focus on what happens after the end of the drama series and feature Ashida and Suzuki as primary four students who have to grapple with various issues including their interaction with their birth mother living apart from them played by Tsuruta Mayu.

Source: Sanspo

1 comment:

  1. Her Agency is going to rebanding after Ashita ga Inai. Isn't she?
