Thursday, June 05, 2014

Hitomi married for the third time and currently pregnant

Singer hitomi announced on 4 June that she got married for the third time in mid May and is currently 5 months' pregnant. Her husband is an entrepreneur who is one year younger than her and the couple only got to know each other last September before getting married after a 8-month courtship. In addition, she is currently pregnant and due to give birth in November. The couple are still making preparations to find a place to move in together.

hitomi was first married in 2002 to her then-husband who was 7 years older than her but they split up in 2007. In June 2008, she remarried actor Haneda Masayoshi and they had a daughter in December the same year. However, hitomi and Haneda also ended their marriage in December 2011.

Despite her pregnancy, hitomi is still expected to take part in the Avex annual summer event "a-nation".

Source: Sanspo

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