Thursday, August 29, 2013

Production press conference of WOWOW's new drama "Kagi no nai yume wo miru"

The production press conference of WOWOW's new drama "Kagi no nai yume wo miru" was held on 27 August which was attended by its leading ladies Kurashina Kana, Narumi Riko, Kimura Tae, Takanashi Rin and Hirosue Ryoko. The drama which is due to be shown from 1 Sep at 10pm on Sundays, consist of 5 episodes and is based on the same-titled novel by Tsujimura Mizuki which won the 147th Naoki award.

Hirosue plays a mother who finally gives birth to a long-awaited child but falls into panic mode when her baby gets abducted at a shopping mall. When asked to comment on her character, Hirosue who is also a mother of two in real life, said that as a mother, it is great to be able to discover new things and joys while raising a child but it is also tough physically and emotionally. As such, it was difficult to play this character.

Kurashina who plays an art teacher being dragged into a downward spiral by her boyfriend chasing after an impossible dream, analysed her character as someone who feels that she is indispensable to the man she loves and said that it was the first time she could understand such feelings. Although the story is a sad one, she was glad that as an actress, she could go through what the character experienced. Meanwhile, Narumi who plays a freelancer suffering from domestic violence inflicted by her boyfriend, commented that her character probably sees the apologies from her violent boyfriend as justification for her existence.

Kimura plays a woman in her 30s who is too caught up with maintaining appearances and said that female viewers will probably find her character's experience similar to theirs while male viewers may feel that her character is a scary person to go to that extreme. Last but not least, Takanashi who plays a woman being burdened by a past trauma, revealed that she will begin her filming from 28 August and hopes to be able to portray the complicated feelings of her character.



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  2. Hi los angeles halls, thanks for leaving your comment. I think I'm equally guilty of procrastinating but as long as you start doing something on a small scale, it's better than just thinking about it. Good luck!
