Monday, February 17, 2025

The secrets hidden in the sponsor credits section of TBS Winter 2025 drama "Kujaku no dansu, dare ga mita?"

Apparently, there is a secret hidden in the sponsor credits section of TBS Winter 2025 drama "Kujaku no dansu, dare ga mita?"

At the top and bottom of the screen, there were some dots and dashes which resembled the Morse code. After deciphering them, they supposedly contained statements which are now widely seen as clues to solve the mysteries in this drama especially since they correspond to key developments in the respective episodes:

SPOILERS AHEAD! Proceed with caution ~

Ep 1: 私の声に気付いてますか (Have you noticed my voice?) -> not sure whose voice this is referring to though.

Ep 2: 俺はあの時から真実を探してる (I have been searching for the truth since that time) - most likely referring to Komugi Papa i.e. Detective Yamashita Haruo (Lily Franky) who had been re-investigating the murder case from 22 years ago.

Ep 3: 光の中のあの人は何を隠してる (That person in the light is hiding something) - most likely referring to the mysterious man with the backpack and carabiner whose face keeps getting blocked by light.

Ep 4: 真実の鍵は水の中 (The key to the truth is in the water) - the mystery water which Detective Akazawa (Fujimoto Takahiro) was told by his wife (Nishida Naomi) to drink or Someda (Sakai Toshiya) found dead in the water?

While I did notice these symbols on screen since I'm watching the TVer version (not sure if it does appear in the Netflix version though), they never struck me as potential clues especially since I do not know how to decipher the Morse code in the first place. Looks like there is one more thing to pay attention to while watching this drama. 😁

Interestingly, Hirose Suzu was so excited to find out about this when her manager forwarded the article to her and even tagged her co-star Matsuyama Kenichi in her post on X. In response, he "complained" that the staff had hidden yet another thing from the cast and that some "gimmick genius" must have come up with this idea.

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