Thursday, February 20, 2025

Observations from Video Research's Top 10 celebrities' TV CM Exposure Ranking 2024 & TV CM Deals Ranking 2024

As seen from the results below, there are some interesting observations which can offer food for thought on determining who's popular with advertisers vs. who's actually seen on TV more frequently:
  • While Ayase Haruka (10) has less than half of Kawaguchi Haruna's number of CM deals (24), the total number of times which her CMs were shown and the total running time were 17% and 35% higher than the latter's figures respectively. Her total exposure time in 2024 also increased by about 4% from 2023's total of 329,115 seconds.
  • Despite the fact that Kawaguchi has been the CM queen for three years in a row based on total number of CM deals, she was actually not in the top 10 for the total CM exposure ranking last year.
  • Most of the celebrities in the 2023 Top 10 for the CM exposure ranking were also in the 2024 version but Kawaguchi and Yokozawa Natsuko were the only ones who came from outside 2023's top 10. On the other hand, Yoshioka Riho and Koike Eiko who were in the 2023 Top 10, did not make it to this year's ranking.
  • Although some celebrities have a high number of CM deals, the actual exposure they got did not allow them to make it into the top 10 ranking in terms of total CM running time - Hashimoto Kanna, Imada Mio, Yoshioka Riho, Ootani Shohei, Hamabe Minami, IKKO, Ooizumi Yo, Suzuki Ryohei, Nagasawa Masami, Nagano Mei & Yamada Yuuki.
  • On the reverse, while some celebrities may not have that many CM deals, they got a lot more exposure on TV - Degawa Tetsuro, Takito Kenichi, Suda Masaki, Yokozawa and Nakajo Ayami.
  • In terms of regional differences, Ayase was gaining the most exposure in all three surveyed regions i.e. Kanto, Kansai and Nagoya. On the other hand, while Kaku Kento was No.2 in Kanto and Kansai, Ashida Mana was No.2 in Nagoya. 
  • The gap in total running time was relatively consistent and small between Kaku and Ashida in all three regions but if compared to Ayase, the largest difference between No.1 and No.2 was observed in the Kanto region (62,680 seconds) as compared to the Kansai (17,400 seconds) and Nagoya (22,245 seconds) regions.
  • The number of times which the CMs were aired could be dependent more on the advertisers' CM budgets, size of the companies, the length of the CM and the timeslot which the CMs were aired rather than a direct reflection of the celebrity's brand power or name value. More information is probably needed to determine if the total running time is mainly made up of shorter version CMs (15-sec ones) or those which run for at least 30-secs and higher. In addition, advertising budgets for a domestic company vs. an international enterprise could be vastly different too. Moreover, depending on the timeslot when the CM is aired, the rates could differ a lot. For example, playing shorter CMs for a higher number of times during off peak hours could actually be cheaper than running longer CMs for a smaller number of times during primetime slots. 

Top 10 celebrities with the highest CM exposure in 2024 (based on total running time of CMs) - Kanto region
Numbers behind the names reflect the number of times the celebrity's CM was aired on TV and the total running time of these CMs.
Numbers in brackets indicate the position which the celebrity got in the 2023 ranking:

1) Ayase Haruka - 18,536 times / 341,310 secs (1)

2) Kaku Kento - 15,741 times / 278,630 secs (2)

3) Ashida Mana - 16,195 times / 260,715 secs (4)

4) Kawaguchi Haruna - 15,834 times / 253,410 secs (11)

5) Degawa Tetsuro - 15,809 times / 243,070 secs (6)

6) Takito Kenichi - 12,145 times / 236,090 secs (10)

7) Suda Masaki - 12,673 times / 215,985 secs (3)

8) Yokozawa Natsuko - 10,728 times / 213,005 secs (16)

9) Nakajo Ayami - 12,546 times / 205,125 secs (9)

10) Hirose Suzu - 10,018 times / 197,025 secs (7)

Numbers in brackets indicate the number of CM deals which the celebrity had:

1) Kawaguchi Haruna (24)

2) Kaku Kento (18)

3) Ashida Mana (16)

4) Hashimoto Kanna (14)

5) Imada Mio / Hirose Suzu / Yoshioka Riho (12)

8) Ootani Shohei / Hamabe Minami (11)

10) Ayase Haruka / IKKO / Ooizumi Yo / Suzuki Ryohei / Nagasawa Masami / Nagano Mei / Yamada Yuuki (10)

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