Some observations from this ranking:
- This is the first time that Matsushita Kouhei grabbed the No.1 spot in this ranking. He was No.2 last year.
- This year marks the first time that Meguro Ren entered the top 3 in this ranking. He was No.4 last year.
- Takenouchi Yutaka is the oldest celebrity (54 years old) in this ranking for this year and last year.
- Meguro Ren is the youngest celebrity (27 years old) in this year's ranking. He will turn 28 in 2 days' time.
- Nakamura Tomoya is the only married celebrity in this year's top 10 ranking.
- Yamada Ryosuke and Matsumura Hokuto are tied at No.4 this year.
- Yamada Ryosuke, Matsumura Hokuto, Yokohama Ryuusei, Nakamura Tomoya & Sato Takeru were outside of the top 10 last year.
- Last year's No.1 Ohtani Shohei is not in this year's top 10 probably because he announced his marriage in Feb 2024 and the survey was done in Jan 2024.
- Similarly, Yamada Yuuki who was No.5 last year, did not make it to this year's ranking. He announced his marriage to Nishino Nanase in Mar 2024.
- Yoshizawa Ryo who was No.7 last year, did not make it to this year's top 10. His drunk-trespassing incident late last year probably had a part to play in this.
- Michieda Shunsuke and Nagase Ren who were in last year's ranking, did not appear in this year's top 10 list.
The numbers in the brackets indicate their rankings last year. Dashes indicate that they were not in the top 10 in 2024:
1) Matsushita Kouhei (2)
2) Meguro Ren (4)
3) Hirano Sho (3)
4) Yamada Ryosuke (-) / Matsumura Hokuto (-)
6) Sakaguchi Kentaro (7)
7) Takenouchi Yutaka (6)
8) Yokohama Ryuusei (-)
9) Nakamura Tomoya (-)
10) Sato Takeru (-)
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