Monday, December 02, 2024

Quick Review #82: Onmyouji 0 (movie)

Title: Onmyouji 0 / 陰陽師0

Rating: 2 / 10

Recommended for
Those who are fine with watching an uneventful prelude to Abe no Seimei's rise to become a top onmyouji

* Currently available on Amazon Prime Video (subject to geographical location)

- Tsuda Kenjiro's narration was really good and fitted the vibe of this movie.

- While I already adjusted my expectations to a certain extent considering that this was focused on the early days of Seimei and probably wouldn't be that exciting, the story still turned out to be very underwhelming and I even found myself dozing off multiple times. Although this movie was the commemorative work to mark the 1100th birthday of Seimei and was produced with the back-up of the original novel's author Yumemakura Baku's, the final result was disappointing, at least to me.

- Even for fans of Yamazaki Kento, I would find it hard to recommend this to them. Perhaps it's the way the story was but it certainly didn't portray Yamazaki in a very favourable light, both in terms of the onscreen image and the character's behaviour.

- Considering that the Heian era was known for its art and beauty, it was quite disappointing to see that the visuals certainly did not reflect this unique trait of that period. It could be due to the fact that most of the story actually took place within the Onmyouji Academy and there was only one female character among the guys. Even so, most of the characters were nobles from the aristocratic class or government officials so the costumes they wore or the set designs could have been a bit more elaborate, intricate and colourful.

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