Monday, January 02, 2023

Plans for the Winter 2023 drama season

Just when I thought that I was finally done with the Autumn 2022 season (some dramas ended after Christmas) and could afford to take a short breather, it's a mere few days before the Winter 2023 season begins! This year, it seems that the start dates of many of the dramas are earlier than the norm of being centered around the Seijin no Hi holiday with the earliest starting on 4 Jan - just right after the 3-day New Year break.

For now, here is my to-watch list which is likely to change depending on personal circumstances and whether I like the drama enough to continue. At least for the first episode, I will write something about it but as to whether I will continue with episodic reviews till the end, that really depends on how I find the drama as it progresses.

One major change in this new season is that the posts about my thoughts regarding the drama episodes will be posted on the blog exclusively. If you have been following my posts over the past few seasons, I have been sharing them on Facebook and Twitter which have brought about separate issues especially when it comes to longer posts. 

There is a character limit in each Twitter post so taking for example "silent" which I was averaging about more than 10,000 characters in the later episodes, it took me a very long time to break up the post to fit the limit and it was a challenge to format the breaks in each post so that it was easier to read. As for Facebook, I needed to copy and paste the whole post into each photo so that the photos don't end up as "orphans" with no descriptions and when you are talking about more than 20 shots in one post, that takes up a tremendous amount of time.

For the sake of saving time and effort which can be diverted to posting more about other stuff or watching more dramas/movies, I seek your kind understanding in that this is a necessary move to be made.

Without further ado, here is what I plan to check out - at least for the first 3 episodes in order of OA dates. Those with stars are the ones which I expect to watch till the end unless anything major happens to put me off. And of course, it's not really sustainable to watch more than 10 dramas per week given that TVer deletes the previous week's episode once a new episode is posted and I may not have the time to be that up-to-date with the viewing. As such, I have to be a lot more ruthless by the Ep 3 mark to drop dramas in order to focus on the ones which I really like.

If you wish to find out more about these dramas, please keep a lookout for the preview posts which I will be updating daily here:

1) Keishichou Outsider (5 Jan) *
2) Get Ready! (8 Jan) *
3) Brush up life (8 Jan) *
4) Themis no Kyoushitsu (9 Jan) *
5) Otto wo shakai tekini massatsu suru itsutsu no houhou (10 Jan)
6) Reversal Orchestra (11 Jan) *
7) 100 mankai ieba yokatta (13 Jan) *
8) Daibyouin senkyo (14 Jan) *
9) 6 byoukan no kiseki (14 Jan)
10) Wana no sensou (16 Jan) *
11) Yuugure ni, te wo tsunagu (17 Jan)
12) Hoshi furu yoru ni (17 Jan) *
13) Informa (19 Jan) *
14) Sukisuki wanwan (23 Jan)

What dramas are you planning to watch in the new season?

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your posts and I wish you happy New year. I hasn't watched autumn season yet so I'd rather not see what's in the winter season... :-D
