Saturday, October 20, 2018

Top 10 ranking of female celebrities with the ideal body as voted by women - 2018 (Oricon)

Oricon conducted a survey on 500 women in their teens to 50s where they chose the female celebrity who they felt had the most ideal body. Nanao who has won this title 3 years in a row, was a favourite of those in their 20s and 50s while the teenagers chose Rola and those in their 30s and 40s chose Fukada Kyoko.

The numbers in the brackets indicate the position held by the celebrity in last year's ranking while a dash means that the person did not get into the top 10 last year:

1) Nanao (1)

2) Fukada Kyoko (4)

3) Nagasawa Masami (3)

4) Yonekura Ryoko (5)

5) Rola (2)

6) Amuro Namie (-)

7) Ayase Haruka (9)

8) Nakamura An (10)

9) Eikura Nana (-)

10) Kojima Haruna (7)

Source: Oricon

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