Friday, March 23, 2018

Japan premiere event of new movie "Kyounen no Fuyu, Kimi to wakare"

The Japan premiere event of new movie "Kyounen no Fuyu, Kimi to wakare" was held at TOKYO DOME CITY HALL on 21 February which was attended by the director Takimoto Tomoyuki and cast members Iwata Takanori, Yamamoto Mizuki, Saito Takumi, Asami Reina and Kitamura Kazuki. m-flo who sings the theme song for the movie also made a special appearance to perform the song "live". The movie will be released in cinemas from 10 March.

The movie which is based on the same-titled novel published in 2013 by Akutagawa Award-winning writer Nakamura Fuminori, features Iwata as  an up-and-coming report writer Yakumo Kyousuke who is about to get married to his girlfriend Matsuda Yuriko (Yamamoto). While aiming to get his book published, he comes across a mysterious case where a blind and beautiful woman was burnt to death. The suspect of this murder turns out to be a talented photographer Kiharazaka Yuudai (Saito) but as Yakumo investigates further, he is drawn into the deep darkness surrounding Kiharazaka. Other co-stars include Kitamura who plays Kobayashi Yoshiki, the editor of a weekly magazine who suggests that Yakumo investigate the case while Kiharazaka's elder sister Akari is played by Asami.

At the event, as Iwata plays a reporter in the movie, he took on the role of interviewing everyone. When he asked the actors if there was any other role they would want to take on, Saito chose Yamamoto's role because he wanted to try flipping long hair in a cool way while Kitamura joked that he wanted to do a dating and kissing scene with Iwata so he would like to play his girlfriend. On the other hand, when asked the same question, Iwata wanted to play Kiharazaka because the character was so sexy which led Saito to say that this was because he was wearing tank tops most of the time.

When Iwata asked if there was something they found out recently, Asami talked about how Kitamura was always considerate towards ladies such as when they were taking the elevator at the same time. Saito added on that Kitamura was also as nice towards the guys and that he had a lot to learn from the latter. Upon hearing this, Kitamura joked that he likes both men and women which made the audience burst out laughing. Yamamoto then revealed that even though the director may seem very stern and serious, he actually likes doughnuts a lot which she felt was a cute side to him. When Saito wanted to dig deeper into this, the director said that they shouldn't be wasting time on him.

As the event also marked Asami's first public appearance after her marriage announcement, Iwata started the ball rolling to congratulate her while the rest of the cast followed up with their well wishes.

Sources: Nikkansports / Natalie /

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