Thursday, March 08, 2018

Hoshino Gen to sing the theme song for new NHK morning drama "Hanbun, Aoi"

Hoshino Gen will be singing the theme song for the new NHK morning drama "Hanbun, Aoi" which will begin its run from 2 April at 8am from Mondays to Saturdays. The up-tempo song titled "Idea" was written by Hoshino specially for this drama which is in line with the story that describes how the heroine Suzume comes up with a great invention after suffering a setback in her initial dream of becoming a manga artist. This will be his first theme song for a NHK drama. Hoshino revealed that he was very excited when he got the offer and hoped that his song will be able to support everyone's morning together with the heroine who will show her strong energy and positiveness in the drama.

Sources: Nikkansports / Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi

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