Sunday, March 11, 2018

Hada Michiko announces her divorce last year

Hada Michiko announced through her blog on 9 March that she had divorced her husband Hirobe Toshiaki, an underwater photographer last year. In her statement, she stated that the two of them chose to separate and begin new lives. As they were originally good friends before they got married, Hada said that the time they spent together was something very important in their lives. However, being based in two different locations meant that it was difficult for them to spend time as a family. Nonetheless, they will continue to remain as each other's important friend. Hada expressed her apologies to those who had congratulated them when the two of them got married and asked for everyone's support and respect in future as they embark on different life journeys. Meanwhile, Hirobe also pasted Hada's statement on his blog to break the news.

Hada and Hirobe knew each other through work in 2001 and stated dating in 2009. They got married on 5 May 2011 but had been living separately all this while as she is based in Tokyo while he is in Okinawa.

Sources: Oricon / Nikkansports

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