Sunday, March 18, 2018

First-day-screening event of new movie "Sunny 32"

The first-day-screening event of new movie "Sunny 32" was held at Shinjuku Wald 9 on 17 February which was attended by the director Shiraishi Kazuya and cast members Kitahara Rie, Pierre Taki, Lily Franky and Kadowaki Mugi. The original story features Kitahara as the lead character Fujii Akari, a junior high school teacher who gets kidnapped on her 24th birthday by two men who call themselves Kashiwabara and Oda (Pierre Taki and Lily Franky). Being staunch fans of the legendary most cute murderer in history Sunny who was a young girl, the two men confine Akari to a house and call her Sunny as they torture her in various ways.

Kitahara who took on her first leading role in a movie and acted in kidnap and confinement scenes through this film, reflected on how long and how much effort before this movie was completed. The story was first conceptualised three and a half years ago and it had been a year since they completed the filming. As such, she was filled with a lot of joy about the movie's release but was also sad because this meant the end of her journey with this movie. The director also echoed her view because this movie was a milestone in his career and filled with many scenes he liked.

With regard to the costumes which Kitahara had to wear in the movie, Lily joked about how thin and cheap the clothes were and that they could probably be bought at Don Quijote for just 400 yen. Kitahara also commented that when she was with AKB, the costumes they wore would have a layer of lining but this was the first time she wore such thin clothes. Lily then added on that Kitahara had to wear such clothes in the freezing Niigata weather without any shoes or leggings but she could bear with the cold much better than the actors.

When asked about what scenes they found memorable in the movie, Kadowaki who plays the second Sunny, chose the scene where Lily was cooking and it suddenly became shown in slow version. Lily wondered aloud why a scene like that was presented in such a manner even though he was just cooking yakisoba. As for Lily, he chose the scene where Taki did a drop kick towards a corpse which had turned stiff and frozen but unfortunately, it was cut from the final release version.

Sources: Natalie /

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