Thursday, March 15, 2018

Asano Tadanobu's father gets suspended sentence for consumption of stimulants

Asano Tadanobu's father Sato Yukihisa who is also the president of Asano's agency Anore, was given a prison term of 2 years, suspended for 5 years on 14 March after being found guilty for consumption of stimulants. In the sentencing document, it was noted that Sato had been found guilty of drug-related offences twice in 2000 and 2008 thus leading the judge to comment that Sato had shown no remorse by committing a similar offence for the third time. Despite so, the judge said that there was no evidence that Sato had a strong drug addiction due to a gap of almost 10 years from the last conviction and that he was given the suspended sentence due to the presence of family members who could monitor him and he was already going through a rehabilitation programme at a medical institution.

Sato was stopped for routine questioning at Dogenzaka in Tokyo in the early hours of 30 November last year where he was found to be in possession of a glass pipe. Sato was then brought to the Shibuya Police Station for an urine test and tested positive for drug consumption. He was said to have admitted to the police that he had consumed drugs on his own will. Sato manages the agency ANORE which has artistes such as Asano, Kase Ryo, Arai Hirofumi, Miura Takahiro and Ota Rina in its stable.

Sources: Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi /  Nikkansports

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