Sunday, February 18, 2018

Yoshitaka Yuriko to star in new NTV Spring 2018 drama "Seigi no Se"

Yoshitaka Yuriko will be starring in the new NTV Spring 2018 drama "Seigi no Se" which is based on the serial novel by Agawa Sawako  and will begin its run from April in the Wednesdays 10pm timeslot. The story features Yoshitaka as the lead character Takemura Ririko who is 29 years old and has been working as a public prosecutor in Yokohama District Public Prosecutors' Office for two years. She is the eldest daughter in a family living at a suburban town in Tokyo which operates a tofu shop and still lives with her family. Ririko is far from perfect despite how people perceive her occupation as she is very inflexible and will speak out if she sees any injustice. The drama will focus not so much on the cases she handles but rather how she grows as a person with her colleagues and family members' support. In addition, she will be faced with the choice of marriage vs. career when her boyfriend proposes and has to deal with her father's suspected infidelity.

Agawa described the story as depicting how Ririko tries to seek justice in her own way but ends up facing many difficulties and failures during the process. However, with the help of people around her, she manages to overcome these issues gradually. As such, she is looking forward to seeing how Yoshitaka will play Ririko and bring the character to life.

Yoshitaka who is playing a prosecutor for the first time, said that she was preparing herself for a criminal case drama when she first got the offer but when she read the original novel, she was relieved that the story was about an ordinary girl who tries her best to survive when her career and love life hits a rough patch. As such, she felt that the story would resonate with any woman. Moreover, as she is of the same age as Ririko, Yoshitaka said that she was reminded of her age as she realised that this would be her last drama in her 20s and hoped to grow together with Ririko in this drama.

Sources: Sponichi / My Navi News / Oricon

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