Friday, February 23, 2018

The 10th favourite TV hosts ranking - 2018 (Oricon)

Oricon conducted a survey on 1,000 people in their teens to 50s where they chose their favourite TV hosts. Here is the top 10 list for 2018 and their rankings for last year are represented within the brackets while those who were not in the top 10 have a dash.

Tamori was the favourite for those in their 30s and above while teenagers chose Uchimura Teruyoshi and those in their 20s favoured Matsuko Deluxe:

1) Tamori (2)

2) Akashiya Sanma (3)

3) Matsuko Deluxe (1)

4) Uchimura Teruyoshi (5)

5) Nakai Masahiro (4)

6) Azumi Shinichiro (6)

7) Ueda Shinya (8)

8) Hamada Masatoshi (10)

9) Ikegami Akira (9)

10) Masu Taichi (-)

Source: Oricon

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