Wednesday, February 14, 2018

2018's Top 10 ranking of most desired male celebrities who you want as a boyfriend (Oricon)

Oricon conducted a survey on 1,000 female respondents in their teens to 50s where they selected the male celebrity who they wished to have as their boyfriend. It seems that women in different age groups have varying preferences as teenagers' No.1 is Aiba Masaki while those in their 20s and 30s chose Matsumoto Jun and Takahashi Issei respectively. Ladies in their 40s chose Ohno Satoshi and those in their 50s chose Yamashita Tomohisa. Do you agree with these choices for your age group?:

1) Aiba Masaki

2) Matsumoto Jun

3) Sakurai Sho

4) Takahashi Issei

5) Ninomiya Kazunari

6) Matsuzaka Toori

7) Ohno Satoshi

8) Yamashita Tomohisa

9) Takeuchi Ryoma

10) Hoshino Gen

Source: Oricon

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