Monday, January 29, 2018

Ryuusei Ryo to star in new Amazon Prime Video drama "Konda Teru no Gouhou Recipe"

Ryuusei Ryo will be starring in the new Amazon Prime Video drama "Konda Teru no Gouhou Recipe" (Konda Teru's Legal Recipes) which will be streamed via the portal from spring 2018. The drama which combines the theme of the underworld, school life and food, is based on the same-titled manga by Umada isuke and directed by Horai Tadaaki who is famous for other food-themed works such as "Kodoku no Gurume", "Onnakudokimeshi" and "Hokusai to meshi sae areba".

Ryuusei plays the role of Konda Teru, is a newbie gangster in the group Shimofuriniku-gumi and a Year 3 student in senior high school whose other passion in life is cooking. While living in a world of guns and fights where death is always near, he also has to juggle his studies along with his relationship with classmate Haru Maki (Yamamoto Maika) - her name actually means spring roll in Japanese- and spend time creating unimaginable and delicious dishes.

Ryuusei commented that when he first read the manga, he found it so interesting but got too hungry at the end. He felt that this was a drama worth challenging himself for and hopes that people of all ages will find it interesting and get hungry after watching it.

Filming for the drama is currently in progress.

Source: Oricon

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