Sunday, January 28, 2018

Nagasawa Masami, Higashide Masahiro & Kohinata Fumiyo to star in FujiTV Spring 2018 drama "Confidence Man JP"

Nagasawa Masami will be starring in the new FujiTV Spring 2018 drama "Confidence Man JP" which will begin its run from April 2018 in the Mondays 9pm timeslot. Co-stars include Higashide Masahiro and Kohinata Fumiyo. This will be Nagasawa's first leading role in five and a half years since 2012's "Koukou Nyuushi" and the drama will be written by Kosawa Ryota.

This original story features Nagasawa as the fraudster named Daako who relies on her genius instinct and high concentration power to pick up difficult things in a short time and gain the trust of her victims who are evil rich men. Despite so, she is actually naive and innocent with a tinge of mischief in her character. She forms a fraudster trio with Boku-chan (Higashide) who is serious, very careful yet timid and wants to quit his job as a fraudster as soon as possible and Richard (Kohinata) who is a veteran fraudster and has extensive experience in this field.

Nagasawa commented that Daako's charm lies in the fact that she is not such a straightforward and easy person to read and revealed that she will be putting on various costumes to take on different identities when cheating others. Besides, this is a very important stage of her career as an actress so she pledged to do her best to play this character. Higashide expressed his joy and said that he was honoured to be working with his co-stars although he also felt the pressure of being in a Getsuku drama while Kohinata said that he felt like the father of Nagasawa and Higashide since the two of them are the same age and praised Nagasawa for being a perfect fit with Daako's character traits. When he saw the costumes which Richard wears, he was immediately reminded of the late Fujimura Shunji due to Richard's image of a mild-mannered gentleman who always wears a bow tie.

Sources: Nikkansports / Sanspo / Yomiuri Hochi / Sponichi / Natalie / Oricon


  1. So she is smart enough to trick people but is also naive and innocent? How does this even work? Jeez.

  2. I think what they meant was that she has some traits in her character which are seemingly contradicting. She's probably the type who's good at cheating because it's her job but when it comes to her daily life, she lets down her guard too much. It does sound odd to have these conflicting traits in one person but I guess that's what Nagasawa meant by her character being someone who you can't really characterise as one type because she has so many different sides.

  3. Hmm, when you put it that way, I guess it may kinda work. I get that a person can have different facets to his or her personality, but it still doesn't really square for me. In fact, it sounds like she'd more likely bungle at her job despite having "genius instinct". I guess only in dramaland does this remotely make sense... sigh.

  4. Well, I guess what they are trying to say is more of like, she's not as perfect as she seems rather than make her out to be the perfect fraudster. Perhaps that was why they said that the only type of trick she couldn't resort to was a honey trap because she would blow her cover too easily.

    There are too many "geniuses" in dramaland...having someone more "normal" and in line with reality is better, in my opinion though.
