Sunday, December 03, 2017

Top 10 female celebrities with the most ideal figures as voted by women - 2017 (Oricon)

Oricon conducted a survey in November asking 500 women in their teens to 50s who among the female celebrities they felt had the most ideal figures. The numbers in brackets indicate the position held by the same celebrity in last year's ranking while a dash indicates that the celebrity was not in last year's top 10:

1) Nanao (1)

2) Rola (2)

3) Nagasawa Masami (4)

4) Fukada Kyoko (3)

5) Yonekura Ryoko (7)

6) Hasegawa Jun (10)

7) Kojima Haruna (9)

8) Shinohara Ryoko (6)

9) Ayase Haruka (-)

10) Nakamura An (5)

Source: Oricon

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