Saturday, December 16, 2017

Kamenashi Kazuya to star in new Kansai TV / FujiTV Winter 2018 drama "FINAL CUT"

Kamenashi Kazuya will be starring in the new Kansai TV / FujiTV Winter 2018 drama "FINAL CUT" which will begin its run from January in the Tuesdays 9pm timeslot. The story describes how a man seeks revenge for his late mother who was driven to suicide when she was treated as the criminal for a murder case.

In the original story written by Kaneko Arisa, Kamenashi plays the lead character Nakamura Keisuke whose mother was treated as the murderer of a young girl when he was still in senior high school. In order to prove his mother's innocence and seek revenge for her, he uses various techniques to gather footage of his targets and confronts them with the "final cut" i.e. a clip of the edited footage with his signature line "kore ga anata no finaru katto desu" (this is your final cut).

Keisuke's target will be Momose Rui, a TV host played by Fujiki Naohito who was involved in the TV programme which talked about Keisuke's mother's case. Hashimoto Kanna will play Ogasawara Wakaba, the younger sibling of a pair of sisters who has key information to the truth of the case. Keisuke will get close to the sisters separately by faking different identities but unwittingly ends up falling for the elder sister (to be announced on a later date). Sugimoto Tetta will play Ide Masaya, the producer who was in charge of the TV programme 12 years ago while Mizuno Miki will play Masaki Kumiko who is a TV director. Hayashi Kento plays a young director Koike Yuuto and Yatsui Ichirou of Elec Comic will play Minagawa Yoshikazu, a cameraman. Keisuke's childhood friend and assistant in this revenge scheme i.e. Noda Daichi will be played by Hey! Say! JUMP's Takaki Yuya. Last but not least, Sasaki Kuranosuke will play Takada Seiichirou who is the assistant chief of Shinjuku Chuo Police Station and used to be in charge of the murder case 12 years ago.

Kamenashi described his character as someone difficult to fathom as he hides his anger and grief beneath his smiling face and has to take on different personalities in order to deceive his targets. As such, he found it tough to portray this character but hoped to be able to show the wealth of emotions within Keisuke as he tries to drive his targets into a corner. In preparation for the filming, Kamenashi had also gone through training for parkour which will be featured extensively in the drama's action scenes. He commented that the sport which originated from France was difficult to pick up but he would work hard and try his best.

Filming began in early December.

Sources: Oricon / Sponichi / Yomiuri Hochi / Nikkansports


  1. Sounds interesting, I didn't realise Fujiki was going to be in this. I'm super mehh about Kamenashi but may give this a go.

  2. The story does look suspiciously similar to other revenge tales so far and I'm personally not very keen on Kamenashi. I'll have to wait and see if there's something which changes my mind.

  3. The story seems interesting and Kame can own whatever character he plays in. Looking forward to this. It's just sad that Kame has fractured his left index finger during an acrobatic scene and will heal in 4-6 weeks time.
