Wednesday, November 15, 2017

The 94th Drama Academy Awards (Summer 2017) - Best Leading Actor

Overall Ranking Top 3
1) Yamashita Tomohisa - Code Blue THE THIRD SEASON
2) Kubota Masataka - Bokutachi ga yarimashita
3) Ishizaka Koji - Yasuragi no Sato

Voters Ranking Top 5
1) Yamashita Tomohisa - Code Blue THE THIRD SEASON
2) Arioka Daiki - Koshoku Robot
3) Kubota Masataka - Bokutachi ga yarimashita
4) Nishikido Ryo - Uchi no otto wa shigoto ga dekinai
5) Nagase Tomoya - Gomen, Aishiteru

TV Reporters Ranking Top 5
1) Yamashita Tomohisa - Code Blue THE THIRD SEASON
2) Kubota Masataka - Bokutachi ga yarimashita
3) Eita - Hello Harinezumi
4) Nagase Tomoya - Gomen, Aishiteru / Fukushi Souta - Aishitetatte, Himitsu wa aru
6) Nishijima Hidetoshi - Blanket Cats

Judges Ranking Top 5
1) Ishizaka Koji - Yasuragi no Sato
2) Yamashita Tomohisa - Code Blue THE THIRD SEASON
3) Kubota Masataka - Bokutachi ga yarimashita
4) Eita - Hello Harinezumi / Higashiyama Noriyuki - Keiji Shichinin / Arita Teppei - Wanitokagegisu

Source: The Televison


  1. Rather than being amused, the results this time infuriated me to a certain extent. Much as I feel sorry for some people who tend to be looked down on and have their hard work disregarded just because they are from some agencies notorious for their hard-selling tactics or their fans doing mass-voting to push their favourites to the top, you can't blame the public from having such perceptions if the results are so "one-sided". Otherwise, how do you explain some dramas doing a clean sweep or doing fantastically well in all categories of awards especially if reality is not as such? I don't want to pin-point anyone or any drama in particular but I have serious doubts if this is really reflective of the selection we had last summer.

    I used to think that the Drama Academy Awards was doing fine in trying to balance public opinion with professional critics' views where the latter portion actually takes up a higher percentage of the final score. However, there have been times when someone wins so big in the viewers category that even if they aren't favourites with the reporters or judges, they still can win the award in the end. The reverse does take place too at times.

    I'm starting to wonder if the viewers category's results are beginning to look so rigged that it takes away credibility from whoever wins it in the end. Sometimes, I find it difficult to rejoice even if my favourites win titles especially if the competition looks way better than them and the results seem skewed towards popularity than true performance. It's such a dilemma because you want your favourites to win but not in such an unconvincing fashion.

  2. Could have sworn I had posted a comment. Anyway, I agree with you, Chiaki. Sad that the hard work of quality actors is being overlooked thanks to certain companies' hard-selling tactics. Perhaps it'd be best to remove the public voting segment, or revamp the awards in order to boost credibility.
