The first-day-screening event of new movie "Sensei!...Suki ni natte mo ii desuka?" was held at Shinjuku Picadilly on 28 October which was attended by cast members Ikuta Toma, Hirose Suzu, Ryuusei Ryo, Morikawa Aoi, Kentaro, Nakamura Tomoya and the director Miki Takahiro. Ikuta expressed his view that he hoped that the movie would reach as many people as possible as they spent a lot of effort and time working on this one year ago. Hirose also said that she hoped that the movie will give some encouragement to those who are feeling unsure about taking the first step in love.
In line with the movie's title, the cast were asked if they had any incidents during the filming which they would like to reveal or else they might regret it. Hirose said that there was a kissing scene with Ikuta to be filmed after lunch and she had brushed her teeth after having curry. However, her manager told her that there were things she should have been more conscious of when doing such things so Hirose said that she had been wondering if Ikuta had noticed the curry smell then as she did not "warn" him beforehand. In response, Ikuta said that he didn't notice anything and that he didn't even remember what he ate anyway.
Hirose also revealed that she found out during the filming that Ikuta has such poor eyesight which led him to joke that if he wasn't wearing his contacts, he wouldn't be able to tell if the person standing in front of him was Hirose or her elder sister Arisu. This made Hirose stress to him that the person currently standing in front of him is the younger sister which made the audience laugh at this exchange.
In line with the movie's title, the cast were asked if they had any incidents during the filming which they would like to reveal or else they might regret it. Hirose said that there was a kissing scene with Ikuta to be filmed after lunch and she had brushed her teeth after having curry. However, her manager told her that there were things she should have been more conscious of when doing such things so Hirose said that she had been wondering if Ikuta had noticed the curry smell then as she did not "warn" him beforehand. In response, Ikuta said that he didn't notice anything and that he didn't even remember what he ate anyway.
Hirose also revealed that she found out during the filming that Ikuta has such poor eyesight which led him to joke that if he wasn't wearing his contacts, he wouldn't be able to tell if the person standing in front of him was Hirose or her elder sister Arisu. This made Hirose stress to him that the person currently standing in front of him is the younger sister which made the audience laugh at this exchange.
I'm from Indonesia. Can't waiting yi watch this movie. I have been waiting for long ago. Please let me know where i can watch this movie by online?