Friday, September 08, 2017

Supporting cast line-up of new movie "Soratobu Taiya" announced

The supporting cast line-up of new movie "Soratobu Taiya" starring TOKIO's Nagase Tomoya had been announced. The movie which is based on the same-titled bestseller novel by Ikeido Jun, features Nagase as the lead character Akamatsu Tokurou who is the president of a transportation company. One day, an accident involving his company's truck happens where a tyre comes loose and causes a housewife's death. This results in a lack of trust and wave of criticism directed at his company for alleged maintenance faults. However, when Akamatsu investigates the truck's structure as he suspects a problem, he finds out that the truck's manufacturer Hope Jidosha is hiding a critical recall issue. In order to protect his company, employees, family and seek justice for himself, he takes on Hope Jidosha which tries to conceal the truth. Dean Fujioka will be playing Sawada Yuta who is the customer strategy section chief of Hope Jidosha and will face off with Akamatsu who wants to prove Hope's wrongdoing. Although he is reluctant to entertain Akamatsu's request for a re-investigation, Sawada himself has doubts about the original investigation and does his own checks where he is then caught between his sense of justice and his responsibility as an employee of Hope. Takahashi Issei plays the role  Izaki Kazuaki who is working at the sales department of Hope bank's HQ and in charge of the account held by Hope Jidosha which is under the same group. As he suspects something wrong with Hope Jidosha, he conducts his own investigation calmly and tries to uphold justice.

As there are 37 actors and actresses mentioned in this announcement, here is the list and the roles they play:

Fukada Kyoko - Akamatsu Fumie (Tokurou's wife)
Takamura Kaito - The Akamatsus' son
Muro Tsuyoshi - Komaki Shigemichi (Employee of Hope Jidosha's car manufacturing department)
Abe Aran (Johnny's Jr) - Kadota Shunichi (Technician of Akamatsu Transportation)
Kishide Ittoku - Karino Takeshi (Executive director of Hope Jidosha)
Sasano Takashi - Miyashiro Naokichi (Managing director of Akamatsu Transportation)
Terawaki Yasufumi - Takahata Shinji (Police detective at Kohoku Chuo Police Station)
Koike Eiko - Enomoto Yuko (Reporter at Shuukan Chouryuu)
Nakamura Aoi - Sugimoto Hajime (Employee of Hope Jidosha's quality assurance department)
Enomoto Akira
Sasaki Kuranosuke
Wada Toshihiro
Kinoshita Houka
Asari Yousuke
Rokkaku Seiji
Ookura Koji
Tsuda Kanji
Masu Takeshi
Tanimura Mitsuki
Kondo Kouen
Murasugi Seminosuke
Watanabe Dai
Yano Masato
Taguchi Hiromasa
Saito Ayumu
Okayama Amane
Yajima Kenichi
Tsukayama Masane
Maiguma Katsuya
Kato Man
Tsutsui Takumi
Nakabayashi Taiki
Inoue Hajime
Kokubo Joji
Takagawa Yuya
Kinoshita Takayuki (TKO)
Kimoto Takehiro (TKO)
Ikegami Sarii

The filming of the movie ended in late April and the post-production will be completed by early 2018.

Sources: / My Navi News / Oricon

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