Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Supporting cast line-up of TBS Summer 2017 drama "Maji de koukai shimasu" announced

The supporting cast line-up of MBS / TBS Summer 2017 drama "Maji de koukai shimasu" starring Iitoyo Marie and Takeda Rena has been announced. The drama is an original story featuring first-year university students Sakamoto Marin (Iitoyo) and Ishikawa Tsubame (Takeda) who aspire to become ship navigation officers and undergo an one-month training. Besides having to cope with the tough training and sea-sickness, the girls are also caught in a reverse harlem situation where 80 percent of the students in the course are men. Marin is oblivious to her surroundings but has a strong passion for boats and refuses to give up while Tsubame repeated a year to get into the maritime systems engineering course which she still regrets to this day. However, as a result of her interaction with Marin, she slowly undergoes a change in her mentality.

Sakurada Dori will be playing Yagi Yamato, a shy guy who is a freshman in Kanto Shosen Daigaku like Marin and takes a liking to Tsubame while Yuhi from BOYS AND MEN will be playing Narumi Shinta who is a freshman from Kobe Kainan Daigaku and takes pride in his muscular build. Izawa Yuki will be playing Kogure Kensuke who is a 25-year-old married guy and quit his job at a MNC to become a freshman at Kainan Daigaku. Ikemoto Keita will play Yamada Shota who is a freshman at Shosen Daigaku and is very knowledgeable about ships and the sea. Horibe Keisuke will be playing Yokoyama Kazuya who is a senior officer and in charge of training the students while Nukumizu Yoichi will be playing Hayashida Yonosuke, the captain of Miraimaru where the students are trained. Rounding up the cast are Okada Koki who plays Sekine Keiji, the junior first engineer on the ship and Iwaido Seiko who plays Fujiwara Akane, a junior first navigating officer.

BOYS AND MEN will be singing the theme song "Ho wo agero!" (Raise the sail) which was specially written for this drama.

Source: Oricon

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