Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Public premium screening of new Internet movie "Moto, Rakugoka ~ Hanashi ga heta na moto hanashika no hanashi ~"

The public premium screening of new Internet movie "Moto, Rakugoka ~ Hanashi ga heta na moto hanashika no hanashi ~" (Former comic storyteller ~ The story of a former storyteller who is poor at telling a story ~) was held on 27 June which was attended by the lead actor Emoto Tasuku and Peace's Matayoshi Naoki who conceptualised the story. Emoto plays the lead character Nakamura who quit from being a professional rakugo story teller to become a salesman.

During the event, Emoto was asked by the media if his wife Ando Sakura had already given birth. He confirmed that their baby was already born but did not want to give details on the baby's gender or date of birth. When asked who the baby looks after, Emoto said that the baby looks like the both of them and is so cute. Ando was also said to be doing well after childbirth while Emoto's father Emoto Akira was very happy about the birth of his grandchild. Emoto and Ando got married in March 2012.

On the other hand, Matayoshi who was recently rumoured to be dating Dan Mitsu, denied the news and said that he doesn't even have her contact details.

Sources: Sponichi / Nikkansports / Sanspo

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