Friday, May 12, 2017

Top 10 Spring 2017 dramas with the highest satisfaction rating up to 2 May 2017 (Oricon)

Oricon conducts a survey on a pool of 690 monitor researchers nationwide after the broadcast of each drama episode where the respondents are asked to rate the episodes based on criteria such as the drama itself, lead actors/actresses, supporting cast, image quality, lines, music, artistic direction, story direction, time spent watching the episode, how much it is talked about on Twitter. The maximum points achievable is 100 and the results in brackets below indicate the average score based on the episodes shown up to 2 May 2017:

1) CRISIS Kouan Kido Sousatai Tokusouhan (87.8)

2) Kodoku no Gurume Season 6 (87.3)

3) Kinkyuu Torishirabeshitsu 2 (84.5)

4) Reverse (82.7)

5) Boku, Unmei no hito desu (81)

6) Chiisana Kyojin (69.3)

7) Tsuribaka Nisshi Season 2 Shinnyuu Shain Hamasaki Densuke (69)

8) Haha ni naru (66.7)

9) Frankenstein no Koi (63.5)

10) Onna Joushu Naotora (61.5)

Source: Oricon