Thursday, April 06, 2017

Premium screening event of new Netflix drama "Nobushi no Gurume"

The premium screening event of new Netflix drama "Nobushi no Gurume" was held on 22 March which was attended by cast members Takenaka Naoto, Tamayama Tetsuji and Suzuki Honami as well as the original manga's author Kusumi Masayuki. Takenaka plays the lead character of Kasumi Takeshi who has reached retirement age and grown to like eating delicious food outside on his own while Tamayama plays the wandering samurai who is the personification of Kasumi's inner world and says things that the normally cowardly Kasumi would not dare to say. Suzuki Honami plays Kasumi's wife in this drama.

During the event, a cake in the form of curry was presented to Takenaka who celebrated his 61st birthday two days before the event. Upon seeing the cake, Takenaka said that it felt as if he was in a dream and expressed his joy at the gesture before taking out his smartphone to take a picture of it. Suzuki also offered the first bite of the cake to Takenaka who was very pleased with the taste of the cake. Takenaka revealed that he is a fervent lover of curry and would go to seek out different types of curries wherever he goes.

However, Takenaka's love for curry was not appreciated as much by Suzuki. On the first day of the filming, Takenaka had requested for catering services to provide curry but Suzuki couldn't eat that at all. She revealed that if she eats curry during the day, she will become very sleepy so she had to avoid eating that during the filming.

In relation to the concept of eating alone outside, Takenaka said that he couldn't bear the thought of doing that because he is scared of loneliness especially since he is an only child. As such, when he sees other people eating alone, he can't help but feel that they must be very lonely and that delicious food should be shared among people. Meanwhile, Tamayama revealed that when he was younger, he kept eating natto and enoki mushrooms only so he thinks that half of his body must be taken up by natto while the other half is made up of enoki mushrooms. When asked about what was toughest about the filming, Tamayama commented that he had to start eating heavy meals such as yakiniku from as early as 8am which would have been much more welcomed if he was having such food for dinner rather than breakfast.

Sources: Nikkansports / Sanspo / Sponichi / Oricon

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