Friday, April 07, 2017

Nishijima Hidetoshi attends MIPTV in France for the screening of "CRISIS Kouan Kido Sousatai Tokusouhan"

Nishijima Hidetoshi attended the red carpet event at the world's largest international visual contents market MIPTV held in Cannes, France, on 3 April 2017 for the premiere screening of his upcoming Spring 2017 drama "CRISIS Kouan Kido Sousatai Tokusouhan"before its first broadcast in Japan next week. This is the first Asian drama to be shown during the event since it started in 1963. Traditionally, only dramas from the US and Europe were featured during the event. The screening of the drama was held on the following day.

Nishijima who attended for the first time, commented that he was very happy that "CRISIS" was very much-welcomed by the event's participants who showed a lot of interest in the drama. Although Nishijima wanted to watch the screening of the first episode initially, there were too many people who wanted to attend this screening that the 280 seats in the hall were all taken up with others having to stand while watching. As such, Nishijima had to give up his seat for the audience but he was very glad and surprised to see the warm reception.

Sources: Nikkansports 1 / Nikkansports 2 / Oricon

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