Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Nakajo Ayami to appear in FujiTV drama SP "Yo ni mo kimyou na monogatari Spring 2017 SP"

Nakajo Ayami will be appearing in FujiTV drama SP "Yo ni mo kimyou na monogatari Spring 2017 SP" which will be shown at 9pm on 29 April. She will be taking on the leading role in one of the segments titled "Yume Otoko" (Man in the dream) which is based on an urban legend named This Man which originated from New York in 2006 where a woman visited a psychiatric hospital and claimed that she had been seeing a mysterious man in her dreams even though she had never met him before. During her visit, she drew a portrait of the man. A few days later, another male patient came to the hospital and said the same thing. Coincidentally, the portrait of the man in his dreams as drawn by this patient was identical to the one drawn by the female patient. This led to the establishment of a website by several doctors who wanted to investigate whether this man does exist. To date, about 2,000 people have claimed to see this man in their dreams even though they have not met him before.

Nakajo plays the role of Midori, an university student who has nightmares every night but cannot recall the content by the time she wakes up. During a lecture, she learns that there are messages hidden in dreams and later draws the face of the man she sees in her dreams on a illustration software. After she uploads the picture to Twitter and asks for help to resolve the situation of seeing this man in her dreams, she gets an overwhelming response from netizens and the friends around her start to report seeing this man in their dreams as well.

Nakajo commented that as the theme of this story includes fear and mass panic, this is especially fitting in this era. Before she acted in this drama, she had heard about the urban legend as well and thinks that it could happen to anyone. Nowadays, news and rumours spread very easily through the Internet and social media so she hopes to be able to show how fear can spread in the same way through her acting.

Source: Oricon

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