Friday, April 21, 2017

Nagasaku Hiromi to appear in FujiTV drama SP "Yo ni mo Kimyou na Monogatari"

Nagasaku Hiromi will be appearing in the FujiTV drama SP "Yo ni mo Kimyou na Monogatari" which will be shown at 9pm on 29 April. This will be the first time in six years that she is appearing in a story of the series since her last appearance in May 2011's "Kankeri".

In the psycho-horror story titled "Ippon tarinai" (There is one missing), Nagasaku plays a housewife named Kazami Ayako whose husband works as a salaryman and has a daughter who is in university and a son in senior high school. In order to be a perfect housewife, Ayako is constantly in fear of her perfectness crumbling into pieces. One morning, while preparing breakfast as usual for her family, Ayako finds that one of her knives stored under her kitchen sink is missing when she sees a news report on TV that a young man has stabbed a company employee with a knife...

Nagasaku commented that having participated in this series four times to date, she is amazed by how long (27 years) it had done on. With regard to the story she is appearing in this time, Nagasaku said that it contains both realistic and fictitious elements so viewers may find it difficult to differentiate what is real and imagined just as how her character is experiencing fear and confusion. While acting, she also had to make sure that she herself was not confused between reality and imagination.

Source: Oricon

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